In Christianity, agape is an ancient Greek term meaning “the highest form of love, charity” and “the love of God for man and of man for God”. This is in contrast to philia, brotherly love, self-love, as it embraces a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance.
This day in the light of The Divine Light Path, we find ourselves with a divergence of teachings because of the coherence of our divine Ms. Jude here in this place, who has read all things spiritual for most of her life it would seem. She started reading at an early age and in our terms she has a degree in divine book reading. We have gifted her for what she knows and she continues to bring up books of our prior teachings and they seem outmoded to us from living here these many years because we are about the future. Put aside your fears and join us.
Some of us came to see her during the first years of the teachings of The Archangels that God created so that she would have those around her who would love and understand her like He does. He is very open minded and so is she. She can relate to all things in all places except the darkness which, as we have taught you for many years, is merely the absence of love. It is dark and dark light and Jude is not akin to that which in not in the Light of God anymore and she has a reason for this.
Sometimes darkness is from a sick person or someone with a dark aura who is on the path to the end of their life. They could have a person in their life plan without much time left to live, like a husband who is dying. It could even be from an animal spirit like a bear. Love is all there is. That is an ages old lesson.
Now some of us would count the unacceptance of darkness as a flaw but not us here. We have never liked it either because that is how the Creator created us to be. We love the Light of Light’s Designment as Eustice Grace would say and that is how we live here. This is The Path to the Divine Light.
This day in the Light, that is what we mean. You want to resist someone because they are in turmoil. You pray for your enemies as The Christ has taught you so many years ago:
You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for he makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust…Matthew 5:43-44
Then and only then can the planet heal. It is full, or seems that way to us from living here, that the glass is less than half full and that is never who we are. We must make sure that this is not the case from where we are indeed. We like our fun and we have our humous side dear ones. Mine may be more dry wit than most beings of light because I spend so much of my time teaching those who pass away for the most part. I always have a class of teens who are learning new things that they never knew they would be interested in. But death changes all that. Our Father God would say that this is the great separator because you cannot get a life back once you have lost it. But with Covid*, we even we have been careful not to travel and meet so much these last few years because we do not want to be the cause of an illness spreading so fast to all the countries and our Churches. If we get sick in any way where we are then we call upon God in prayer for His divine healing which faileth never except that we have been known to catch a cold. Because cold and Covid symptoms are so similar it does give us cause for concern.
We have families just as you do and they are many. We have children and we have other Angels and we adopt, so to speak people who serve Him in a special way all on their own during their short time on Earth and all is vibration and there are many places and groups and families. This is why Jesus said:
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go, ye know the way. Thomas saith unto Him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; how know we the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me…John 14:1-6
We akin ourselves to those of you who resonate with us but when we meet someone like Jewels, as He likes to call our Ms. Jude, then we stay until we can match her vibration because she is so far beyond our blessing that we must match her in some way. You see we have to ask the blessed Father of us all why we cannot match up to her and he gives us the reason from his mighty computer in the sky. You may have heard about that in some of your other readings. And so He says this to us: “she doesn’t judge you or anyone else. She feels she does not have to like you but you are you and she doesn’t judge you for being you. Your life has made you that way or another way and you cannot help yourself except with God’s mighty power”. So many people don’t have that power for themselves and fortunately this is what is taught in many Churches at each Sunday service.
We cannot do many things for ourselves you see. We need Him and He needs to serve us. That is what makes Him happy, those of the Godeme. They have a need for service as no other and that is in all of us here. We feel this down to our very souls. Many things that we need help with take superhuman efforts like getting along with someone that you have come to hate because of who they are without ever looking at yourselves.
Now Ms. Jude has come to find the very people who have a particular trait are displaying that very trait in the public airways. They are accusing others, publicly mind you, of hate or disparagement or not working together when they themselves are doing these very things. Not judging others is the best place to start. Ms. Jude always says: “be careful of what you hate”, as you see it brings you nothing but troubles and its too negative of an emotion for your health and wellbeing. Think about what you are thinking and saying to yourselves about others.
There are many teachers, and we have taught this for many years, who say “no gossiping and no judging others. You see love is all there is”.
Love heals all wounds. It makes us whole. You see we Archangels and Angels do not know how not to love you. Even when we meet up with the worst of you we love each person first and then we move on. You can argue with God in His Heaven but you will never win. Not ever. There is no evil in God and people say that He is always good but that is like comparing a computer to an Etch a Sketch is it not?
God is Light; in Him there is no darkness at all…John the Apostle.
These words and teachings, thoughts and many other things have withstood the test of time have they not? They are from time immemorial and that is our rock of ages in thee.
Beloveds, we are about the future also and that is why we implore you to live life to the fullest but lest you wander into unguarded territory where we do not live in thee, bless our going out and our coming in as we have for you all of these years and before you were born.
There is but one thought for you to hold onto: God is all there is. God is Love and Light. There is nothing outside of the Father. That is the Divine Light’s blessing in thee.
Archangel Gabriel and many others