There will be time for thine own designment in thee. There will be time for you to work on yourself as being a matter in the cause instead of bumbling through life without any skills because you never really worked on your causes with yourself, like “Why did I do this”? I am truly sorry to the person you might have wronged or hurt. Sometimes, God rights you from within by himself, but not always. You need to be working on yourself on The Path to Divine Insight.
Many of you have been working on weight loss for your wellness program so this topic is important to those who serve you from the higher realms. Of course, you should always consult with your physician before you embark on a weight reduction plan. We once saw a post that said that body weight does not want to be lost. Could this be true? It seems that way as weight goes on easier that it gets lost. It’s part of you and once manifested, it doesn’t want to leave you. It doesn’t want to get lost either. Love your cells more and this will help. You can make this part of your daily affirmations.
The weight plan journey has not been easy for many but isn’t that what everyone has been saying? There are endless products to buy and sell as weight loss is a big business. We trust in God to right us here in Heaven and on the Other Side but we communicate that to him every day in our prayers if needs be. We sometimes see someone with a long list of things to right, but then we know that they are to have some help with those wishes and dreams, too. So many have had some weight loss help from this or that and there are so many ideas we say use the Art of Allowing and allow yourself a treat once in a while but not several times a day. You may need to realize that “weight” is part of your life which you created. Instead of calling your plan what the media tells you, another word or phrase may be more meaningfully blessed, like My Junebug Plan or something that suits you! If you are thinking about your weight problems or food all the time, guess what you are going to get more of?
There are many supplements, however, His Highness prefers that you save your money as much as possible if that works best for you. We have had our best success here with Liposomal Vitamin C, CLA and Green Tea Extract. Here is a link to a recent article about CLA: Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): Sources, uses, and benefits (
Our overall best choice is always a recommended natural food plan like Dr. Andrew Weil’s anti-inflammation diet Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Pyramid | Nutrition | Andrew Weil, M.D. ( or the Mediterranean Diet plan.
There are times when you may be suitably trying to lose weight but that doesn’t help either because “trying” is a loaded word over here, so say your better angels, and thus it is where you live too. They are very much “just do it beings” and so that is what The Father has told them to be since the beginning of time. It’s in the atmosphere out there, meaning the consciousness. There are many ways to get yourself on a plan and one of them that is very old has been tested here by us. Just saying, “I don’t feel like eating after dinner anymore,” is a start. Just don’t mull it over and let it do its thing. The subconscious will take over for you. You may feel a scrunchy feeling in your middle and that will signal you that it’s working. Just don’t mistake it for meddling or pain because it’s wrong. It’s right and it does work.
You can meditate on your wellness issues with your Wellcare plan, as we call this, for yourself. You can pray as you are able or you can just put yourself on the path to wellness and begin to set goals and keep them and then keep being the new you on this path you have never tried before. If you ask your Angels to help you more they can do more for you as well. This is how you can ascend yourself. Put your foot down on The Path to Divine Insight and then see for yourself how easy this can be if you stay with this. Imagine conversations with your Guardian Angel and ask and ask until you feel this is an easier plan than trying and wishing and hoping and feeling lack through a sense of guilt for your own self. You can do this. Our local grocery store where I am working on this message has a magazine called Woman’s World and they have a new diet plan every week. Just try one and stick with it. This doesn’t mean you need to try a new one every week or the body, mind, spirit connection within you will become confused. A “try this and try that approach” can not only become confusing, but it can also be downright disheartening.
So what we have found through helping some very gifted people who struggle as so many people are doing these days: try this simple plan. Use a diet that eliminates anything white which is flour, rice and sugar. You can use wheat, whole grain or rye bread. You can have brown rice and potatoes. Everything is in moderation and stop eating when you are full. Simple right? On this you should lose about one pound a day. Try it for three weeks and then take a week off each month. Also, try to do exercises every day: go to the gym (some Medicare Advantage plans have free gym memberships for seniors), walk for about a half hour and increase the distance each time, do some gardening, or whatever makes you feel comfortable. We have a park in our neighborhood with a small lake that people walk around, some with their pets or children, and it’s a very busy place. They have a bookroom on Saturdays in the summer that supports the local library run by volunteers and a farmer’s market that offers fresh fruits and vegetables and many more items of merchandise.
We are thinking that weight loss should be like a game. For every 5 pounds you lose, you can give yourself a bonus or something fun. Then for every 10 pounds or more you can give yourself a contribution to a money jar or something that you think is special like a new shirt or sports shoes. Be creative and make a plan for you and imagine that you are getting lots of help and assistance from us because you are and God can do this for everyone in the universe and that means you. He means the best for you. He really knows and he knows that you really like to eat because you are made in his image. And yes he really does like to eat excellent food.
We may offer some simple recipes that work but you can find them all over the internet now or can you? There is so much emphasis on rich foods on TV and in the media. It has made the weight loss question even more difficult. Be sharp and try to keep your wits about you. But make your plan fun and when all else fails then pay for a program if you have to. Your future health is important and so is the future of healthcare. The planet will appreciate it if you find some foods that are of vegetable proteins or something so that our little animals can live a normal life. Mostly they live over here with us because they know how you are. Many religions believe that God’s light is in all things so be kind to nature and it will be kind to you.
Recent studies have shown that being kind to anyone and anything will give you about 5 additional years of life! Be kind to yourself most of all because you have invested a lot of time and effort in a wonderful life. And be kind because it may just make more of the genie in the sky in your home and in your auric statement.
Please be kind. Just BEEEEEE KIND! That is all for this transmission.
Mistress Holy Cee Eustace Grace Marie Soule