The Orbit of Venus
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”― Albert Einstein
The Path to the Divine Insight Light is complex and it will be amazing for you if you really focus and try to improve your life and time. We are about change and making things better each day as you move forward. Yes you can do this! God has awesome power and he can move mountains for you if you use The Path and make it work for you. God helps those who help themselves. This is all I have ever seen him do. Angels qualify this by saying: “unless you are in dire straits and unable to even pray for yourself and those around you”. God is all that you can imagine and so much more.
We are about the quantum but beyond that by about thirty years. Our young guide from Heaven, God’s heavenly daughter Eustice Grace, with her father divine has brought this Divine Insight Path to all of us. I’m calling her a guide for you to understand but she is much more than that. There are many of us here working with her. We are ever concerned for her safety in coming all this way to you in this time and place of love and peace. She is surrounded by God’s holy Archangels for her protection. This world has become of dangerous place. Eustice and many more entities have worked for many years to bring this to you.
As their scribe, I have been contributing to this dream but not actively in some respects. For the most part I have been living a life among many Etheric Masters from of old while living a normal life with my family and friends.
I have been a member of First Lutheran Church in Albany, NY for many years. It is the oldest Lutheran Church in America founded in 1649. Also, prior to this we attended First Lutheran Church in Jamestown, NY for over 20 years while raising young children. My husband was raised in this beautiful church. Over the years I have served in several council, treasurer and investment positions.
A few years ago, I began to realize that people of the church seemed kinder, healthier and more filled with an inner beauty than people who came to the church as visitors. I began to realize that I had been witnessing God’s hand in healing and wellness for many years but I never saw or heard anything very direct. It just sort of enters into your life through years of prayers, serving others and being kind as you go through your life. What does this have to do with The Path? Everything!
I worked for a large bank at the start of my financial career as an Assistant Vice President for many years. Later I worked very hard to get my securities licenses and was employed by Smith Barney as part of a large cutting edge investment specialty practice. This practice within Smith Barney was inspirational in my meeting and working for my first alchemist. At that time registered reps achieved the title if they could manage money for their own clients, which my boss did, in addition we had access to some of the best money managers in the country. It was a premier package of services. We offered dinner seminars at a local country club and we achieved about 40 to 50 people per seminar in a city where nothing worked. Our practice grew exponentially. Now what does this have to do with Divine Insight Path wellness? Everything!
I have read books by many authors as a favorite hobby for as long as I can remember. I sometimes read late into the night as my days were way beyond full. I read Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, Edgar Cayce, James Van Praagh books and many more which deepened my spiritual interests. My favorite books were also biographies and historical books of every kind. I have many of them and I still read them. Many of these well-known authors are all over Facebook and YouTube today. Many of these period dramas are all over premium TV and PBS today. I filled my bookshelves with ascended teachings and I continued to attend church most Sundays over the years.
I probably thought these things were separate for many of those years. I kept my life in separate compartments: husband, children, church, work, home, family, hobbies and wellness. That is how I survived such a busy lifestyle. I filled my walking and driving time with beautiful music of all kinds. I listened to Mozart and many of the great classics. I purchased many self-help tapes and CD’s so I could listen to them on the go.
My husband was the Mayor of a small city and he also served as President of the New York State Mayors Conference for several years. He served for a long time when all political parties worked together. People of all faiths and political parties supported his time in office and contributed to his campaigns wherein he raised funds for over twenty candidates who served our area at the city and county level. He became a member of the Executive Committee for the U.S. Conference of Mayors and he was able to travel all over the country for their meetings. He was named one of the 20 best mayors in the country by US News & World Report. He brought home ideas which brought our community extensive changes in many endeavors. He was a master at obtaining state and federal grants and was a specialist at job creation. Many years later he worked for the New York State Department of Economic Development as a development specialist. He hosted a royal visit of King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden. He should be writing a book about how to get people to work together and have fun, support their community, acknowledge volunteers, enhance services to senior citizens and arrange the support of the clergy of every faith for every formal city event. What has this to do with The Path? Everything!
Much about The Path to Divine Insight Grace is about God and love and service. This is our eternal flame. It is our everything! It’s about God and his gifts to me and to so many countless others. Now we could go on and on as there are stories of success and people working hard in my life, but many on my life’s path ignored their health and their spirituality. They were too busy. They worked like crazy. They ignored the many services that could have been provided by the offerings that are available today. People didn’t know the things years ago that we know today and 30 to 100 years from now people will be saying the same things. They will wish that they knew these things earlier. That is our purpose here. We are only going ahead about 30 years or so to obtain help for you on the Divine Insight Path. Beyond that, He already knows what He already knows. That’s how His Highness uses that phrase.
What is The Path to the Divine Insight Light? It’s about serving God at a higher level. He and I have lived together for many years and he has taught me many things, some good and some not very nice to know.
That’s what life is sometimes. Some say that “life is messy”. I choose my media art categories very carefully as I have been assailed several times myself while serving him and with him sitting right here. But that is what many people barrage one another, personally or publicly, because we never know where He is in the kingdom. We hope to bring you lessons and teachings that will bring you the peace of God and comfort as you move through your life. We hope that you will share in this journey with us.