The Laws of Allowing & Assumption      

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Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for in that determined assumption you and your Infinite Being are merged in creative unity, and with your Infinite Being all things are possible” — Neville Goddard day be blessed when visiting our website for the Divine and those seeking Divine Source.  There are many of us who pray for all those who come to our website and there are many here who pray for you at the highest ordinances and that should feel good.  It should let you in the game at the Hi-C level or higher.  It should give you the blessings of being in Hi-C Alpha State of consciousness which is the genius level and beyond.  That is what we are given to work with you in this state of consciousness wherein so many people are seeking the Divine to worship and love.  Or were you just looking for what the Divine is going to give to you and manifesting your own “Everything in the Theory of Everything” without one thought for God and giving back so as to make the world a better place? Is that you?  Is that your authentic self as we call that here?

According to the Law of Allowing you let go of resistance and accept rather than judge.  You accept rather than control.  You release negative thoughts and allow the natural flow of energy and abundance.  You can do that but we think that you can do more than this.  In case you are not familiar with this law it states that you should allow others to be who they really are without attachments and expectations.  Honor and respect others.  Allow and support yourself.  According to the Holy Bible:

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.— Luke 6:37

We believe that you can raise yourself and others up with just simple acts of kindness.  There is more to allowing than you know because it raises your vibration.  If you witness something that you really don’t want to allow into your consciousness, you pray for the person or situation, and then act as if nothing happened to you.  As you may know, raising your vibration and frequency helps you to attract and/or manifest better and best things to your life and times.

So then this day’s lesson is about The Law of Assumption also.  Last year, I gave a reading about the Law of Attraction (click here: What is it Like to Live in The Divine Insight Light? 09.20.22) which has been documented almost everywhere it seems.  Some of our great spiritual teachers of the last 20 years and more have taken up this law as the cornerstone of their work.  Yes you are attracting all of the things and people and experiences to yourself, however, what are you doing for others?  Your family comprises the most important relationships for you so what are you attracting for them?  Are you always seeing them in a certain way that is not positive?  Would you like to see them in a different way like talented and creative instead of boisterous and noisy for awhile and see what develops?

My daughter’s first grade teacher once told me that the things that bothered me the most about her would make her the most successful later in life.  I will never forget that lesson.  It was “gold” as some people call that.  I thought she was an angel and I mean that in all seriousness because she was pretty close to perfect.  It was astounding.  I knew I was very lucky to have such an amazing child.  Not everyone is so lucky.  To me she was busy, a live wire, and refreshing with wonderful manners that we worked on quite a lot.  That was my allowing of her but it was more than that and then I learned about The Law of Assumption.

According to this law, you don’t worry and pray and gossip about your family members, or whomever.  You just know that things will come into play for you.  God is on his throne and all will just work out perfectly.  Even when there is a turn of events that is unexpected, you just accept and carry on with the next best thing.  All things will work out and God always looks after you.  He is there in your victories but he really helps you to get back on track when you need Him the most.

You see, according to the Law of Assumption, you accept what life is.  That is the “dance” as some say in the heavenly places.  There are many ways to work with this law.  You can take the laissez-faire path to living and accept things as they are or you can get really busy and manifest something that you need in a hurry by working harder.  You see I worked most of my life in the financial services world and it was comprised mostly of men.  Many of the women worked in support roles.  My positions were mostly with the people who were securities licensed.  I knew somehow that in order to compete in a world like this, I would have to work at 300% not just 100%.  Many successful people probably do more than that but I also had other responsibilities to my family.

So in this background I didn’t feel that The Law of Attraction was working that well because I kept attracting things into my space that I didn’t want, but it wasn’t so much in the real world, it was when I used my sight gift over there in the unseen.  It may have been my unconscious that I was viewing or it may have been The Spirit Kingdom and there were a lot of people and/or spirits and angels around.  It may have been my imagination or something God only knows in the real world.

So where are we going here?  Which laws work for you or do you not follow any of them?  Do you work at being successful or just wait to see what comes along.  Usually if something is working for you, it becomes apparent.  What I like about this spiritual law is that if you ae working on your inner self then your inner state will automatically be manifested as your physical reality.  In my case, I’d like to think that this is why I am the scribe of The Wittcase Award House, bringing these writing to you today and sharing some ideas that may be of help to you as well.

You can bring about more assistance than you know with this law by thinking and meditating on positive statements.  This has always worked for me and I like to keep some on my refrigerator.  They quiet down the ego or whatever others manifest on us when we are unawares.  They silence the “judge mentor” of the alter ego presence which we probably don’t contemplate much on our own until a depression or anxiety take hold.

Live your life thinking loving thoughts of others.  Look for the good in them.  Be patient as God works with his own divine timing and he has access to things you do not know about.  Let the rest go and you will be taking steps in the right direction to make a better life for yourself.
