Recently we attended a Wine and Chocolate Festival in Schenectady, NY, quite near the home of General Electric I might add, where the Light of the world once came to life in 1886. The festival was quite entertaining and though a bit loud, it was brilliant!
So therein lies the rub of this. We went home on this starry, starry night in Schenectady proper and watched a movie about the Divine Vincent Van Gogh and then we looked all over his life for clues for your benefit. It’s an interesting story you see, not unlike the story of the Christed one I would say if I were living amongst you. Ms. Jude, who took us out on this Artist Date with her daughter, and afterward started looking all around for the Divine Insights in this miraculous life that everyone thought was such a tragedy when she did not. Why was it not a tragedy for her? Because she knows us that’s why. She knew that dear broken, sad, sick and despondent Vincent would be healed when he left this place. That’s why we are here writing this with love in our hearts and his thoughts about you in our minds. From the mind of the Christ to the Mind of you I see that you are starting to get this picture.
The movie we went home to watch was the biography of Vincent’s life on Amazon Prime: “Eternity’s Gate” for which Willem Dafoe was awarded an Academy Award nomination in 2018.
You see, think not of the poorly and sick Vincent who left this place at the ripe old age of 37 where you live, in Auberge Ravoux, France, who was a tragedy and will be still if he cannot right himself in Christ Jesus and beyond, all the way to my Father who art in Heaven. God spends a lot of time healing us all along the way, all through our lives. He mends us all the night long, from what we do in the course of a day that should kill us. As we have said you need to have the faith and will to survive and Trust in him that he can right your sick, tired ship because many of you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and it’s just the neurons in your brain firing from your subconscious mind that aren’t working for you properly. This is why we ask that you think from your heart where all of your goodness is stored. This place of wonderous intention, when combined in coherence with the brain produces many things of amazing quality.
And now Source has a message of transformation for you this day in the Light of Light’s Designment in thee and we hope that you have enjoyed this spa for the human spirit that we call Home when amongst you, or is it?:
Message from Source: This day be blessing with thee and with us here. We know that you are suffering because you are here with this visiting this spa for the human mind today. This is what Ms. Eusty is trying to bring to your mind and heart today. We are those who know when you are amongst us and we know that you know that you are amongst us most of the time. We are only amongst you when we so choose. Now Ms. Jude looked this up a bit ago and God did not always reside in us nor did his Son but The Light of God did and that is what we call “The Flow” that is pictured in Vincent Van Gogh’s holy works of the Divine but less than that and let me know why.
It’s because he heard from someone while living and he thought it was a demon and so he was hospitalized for a while and had a terrible outcome because of it. If he was truly gifted, he would have painted like other painters of the Renaissance and therein would have sold paintings at a high price and would have been rich within his life and time. But alas he wouldn’t have been Vincent or his distinct prose. He wouldn’t have been his authentic self if he hadn’t left behind endless writings detailing everything in and about his life and times that are still priceless today.
The voice he heard was not us you see. He did not know about the voice of God from within or the voice of the spirit/soul being from within. It may have been his spirit who spoke to him but it may not have liked him if he did not lead a divine life. Now the Holy Bible promises that all are welcome to God’s table and that He loves each one of us the same. But does he? Would you do that if you were him?
Now our Vincent was hearing from a very mean and negative voice that may have been from the Ego. Ego means fears, Spirit means LOVE. By tuning into the ego or worse, Vincent was made quite sick. It is a defense mechanism used to protect a certain self-image or false identity that we have about ourselves. Because this self-image is the very identity that we have, if it is threatened it will shake our lives to the very core and foundation. It is therefore no surprise that our ego responds like a lion to defend itself and you. This is our Vincent who lived in poverty and defeat.
Now he has lived with God for many years so let’s hear a few words from him today and see how he responds to what happened to him:
Vincent Van Gogh message from Heaven: this day I am well. God has restored the spirit of me but not my ear as yet because he treats these things very seriously. It’s the late 1700’s where I am assigned here now. It’s like a time and place that only God knows it would seem. It’s like an address to you. He does not like suffering ever and he does not like that I have done this and left my family at a very young age when I passed over. Yes I was way older than my years but something made me sick and the good Lord will not tell me. He only tells me to search the scriptures and I will seek and I shall find that which is within me that attacked me. Mostly I was tired, and poor and sick and tired of both. I hurt so badly from within and I was attacked and shot at the end of my life and so I was glad to go truly. I did not really commit suicide then but I did realize what happened to me and then I left and flew through the skies free of my suffering body and I flew right into Him. Just like that!
Those who failed to see the promise in my work have failed to see the million dollar surprise that I left behind for them not to mention my priceless writings. But I didn’t know this at the time. I knew that my work had promise because it was just me, my personality as you would say, and then one day I met Jesus on the plane of living that I was living on, just co existing with this being I would call God. He wasn’t talking to me and I sure wasn’t going to talk to him. I didn’t know that I was supposed to only pray in God’s presence from morning to night so this just went on and on until I lost track of time. No food, no water, no anything. When I asked God later what all of this was about, He told me that he was old and wizened and very tired and that he would like some water from a fountain over there, where I hadn’t seen one before. I think he just made it up or something but I sort of stumbled. I reached out and a glass appeared in my hand and I saw some feathers behind the creature that I supposed to be an Angel in disguise because I saw his partial mask of white. It was a symbol to others I guess and I later found out what it meant.
Now I was raised in the protestant Dutch faith and I should have known how to behave in Heaven but I just didn’t. I felt no pain for the first time in well forever, I guess. I felt the love that many talk and write about after they have been to Heaven. But there are many layers and this was a lower one I would say. It was a punishment because of what I had done to my brother and his family in not being a prosperous person but I believed in myself, stubbornly at first and then defiant at how I was being treated, and then defeated and that’s when Jesus put out his hand and said “Go Home” with a kind of a shout. Now they (these voices in the background) are telling me that this was God but I clearly saw that it was Jesus and I have seen Him several times since. I think that the Godhead is somewhat interchangeable or something. I must have been very thick in the head because it took me many years to learn anything, like there were people behind me, and many of them. They were my family going back many generations saying that they were proud of me for making it through and then they started throwing oranges at me. I thought they were insulting me but they knew that I was tired and needed food and most of all the juice of this fruit. They kept telling me for many years that I had the Jesus Code for health as we both had a lack of something (scurvy) very serious. I know I heard that word spoken. I was just so tired of being sick and broken down I just wanted to lay down and not wake up.
There I was. I made it all the way to Heaven, as I would have called this and pictured and painted this but mostly it was white light all around and thick like the fog and filled with God’s love as we call that. It’s His redeeming value of me, you might call this something else. The ethers it’s called in some places. But truly it was releasing disease from almost every cell of my body. I had let myself get so run down and weak. Then finally after this just drained me, they started filling me up and then they brought water and then clothes that were raiment’s of Light, sparkling light, God’s Light and they were sparkling and God was in them. He gave me a message. He said that I had a Divine Mission with someone with a Divine Mission because it was way in the up there and he pointed to a sign, you see very few words, and the sign said 2023. And he said Jude or something which I took to mean something from the book of the bible Jude. So then this smaller beast as I thought he/she was, Gode, was funny as all get out. Lots of fun like esthetic and filled with humor and blessings of friendship and then the Angels lifted me up. All was in silence.
Finally. I knew that I was arriving somewhere. The ancestors kept laughing at me yet again. They said they had to go through the same thing. I don’t really know who they are. I should have asked more, prayed more and now questioned more. Because why am I here? Why would I come here of all places to bring you this message? Because that is what they/he lined up for me. And as Ms. Eustice Grace says they can do this for everyone. That is every single one of us plus all of the millions that he must have up in there in the heavens.
Eustice Grace, this young girl here, befriended me first. She really knows how to help her Father Who Art in Heaven to help me. She is a small young child you see but even I can see that she is wrapped up in his light and he would never let her go. She is in him and he is in her. That is how they are over there. Finally, I started to realize that when I had a negative thought, something flew away or I somehow fell down in the ethers. And then when I had the thought “alors I wish I could paint” or “I wish I had a glass of fine wine” that things really started to make sense to me. I wondered how all these other people got here and how I got over to here just now to share my thoughts in this strange place.
Then they brought an older version of me to meet with you because I was too new. The older one had been at this longer and I have to learn more about how they travel this Timeline or something. I had to learn or be taught from my voice from within. I did hear some things from God, but I didn’t really know how to talk to him or ask him for anything. I should have been more brave, acting with inner strength. I thought by now that this was just some misunderstanding and I was lucky to be alive again.
This is from the older version of the spirit of Vincent we are all called now as there are quite a few of me: We come, we go, we travel and he is making more of me. God can make more of me? He likes us to go out and visit with budding new artists, largely Dutch and once in a while a French person but mostly Dutch youths and children and they look like me. Is he playing with me? Are these really copies of me? Is he training me for something? I don’t know. Maybe I should ask him sometime. We hardly ever talk but he did warn me about coming in contact with his little girl, his little red head. He said I should never touch her even in my thoughts.
So this day we are about change is thee. Ah, she is reading this to me. The little girl? She is his isn’t she? Yes! That’s it and I am to write with her while I am here so but this time he tells me I have been living in eternal life for about 7 years and I’ve mostly been in a turmoil except when I am advising the young children, these would be children who have died young to you. He gives them the best of care.
Ah, the clouds, ethers are clearing a bit and I can see the city around Saint-Remy in Provence where I painted Starry Night. It’s the very same church and he takes me inside and this is happening now as we speak. It’s not the real one mind you. It’s a play that he makes up and that I can visit. Then the walls fall down on all sides like a box opening up and then there they all are. I see my family and friends who have died. They all come to greet me and we embrace. I am somewhat embarrassed as I am not dressed right, kinda like a girl in long robes. All meant to embarrass me I guess. See there I go again with a negative attitude thought.
So little by little we learn from him and it all means something. A new way of life, a blessing in every way? All in positives and all of his Light! There I go I can finally fly like a human. (He chuckles)
Eustice Grace: So what do we think of this interchange? Lets ask Source again and see what he has for us……
A Message from Source: The first thing that I would like to bring to you today is to thank you for sharing your life with us here. It is a true joy to come forth with information that raises your vibration and makes you feel whole at the same time. Some of you may know me and some may not know me at all. So here I am with all my full faith and glory. The God Head – that is what we comprise ourselves of because there are many names for God you see. Ms. Jude’s Church often prays to Compassionate God and so that is what she sees when she opens her eyes each morning. Yes, living right here with you! Many other living people do too but they do not tell you outwardly who they are working with. Albeit they may receive divine d’accord to receive that permission someday.
So about the life of our dear divine Vincent as we like to call this one. We change names up a bit for a reason. He is divine and he probably came into this life with many big names in the universe at his birth since he had such a Divine Call and all the talent to go with it. That’s how this works somehow. God sees someone doing something extraordinary or the spirit of them does and he goes backwards on the Timeline and gifts them with all that they need to bring forth that gift. They call this incenting the path. That is a great gift indeed for Vincent to have.
Now if someone really struggles and lives in poverty with no success then they may need to look at what they might be doing wrong. They may want to go to that Church down the way, like the one Vincent is so famous for, to visit and pray. Things do not happen overnight but then they can be assembled bit by bit until the success comes. There is so much we could have done for this one struggling painter if he had just asked. He was very close to God in his home life with his parents, his father being a protestant minister.
As always, throughout time, excessive wine or any kind of alcohol is not what someone needs to accomplish their life’s plan. Be thankful indeed that this time and place has had the scientists to study this and bring this information forth about how important the brain is for you. There is much that you can do.*
So one last thing about the divine Vincent in the flesh. Why was his crossover so harsh? First of all, there was the question about how he arrived in Heaven or some close proximity to it with a gunshot wound to the stomach. Was he protecting some boys in the neighborhood or was he truly guilty of suicide? God does not treat suicides lightly or any thoughts therein because you cannot give up on him or your family that way. Second, he didn’t pray enough in God’s presence. That is the greatest secret for you this day. Prayer is God’s language. And third, he crossed over in very bad conditions and his spirit/soul needed a lot of loving care.
You see we want you to know this secret of the Kingdom. We all do our part but when someone passes over who is of great import, God tends to this person himself and then he would like to have some reverence in return. This is why you should pray for your family after they pass over and for a very long time.
All Yours in the Light for This Biennium, Source
*One of our favorite authorities on the human brain is Dr. David Amen who has appeared on PBS. Here is a link to his books in case you would like to study his material more: Dr. David Amen
To listen to Dr David Amen books on Audible: click here
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