“And as the divine that goes forth from the Lord is the good of love and the truth of faith, the angels are angels and are heaven in the measure in which they receive good and truth from the Lord.” – Emanuel Swedenborg
There are those of you who follow the Angels and then throw them all out and follow some other dream. Yes, some do and we know who you are, and you do it right in front of everyone. Many are old and venerated beings of light. Some may have a dark seated path but there are reasons that they are assigned the position statements that they have. They are made from God’s light and they are with him but they are not him. Almost everyone in Heaven follows this model as does Jesus The Christ and his Father. They are in him but they are not him and they are about love for themselves and then for all of you. That love of God supersedes all kinds and manner of human love. It is Divine. It is not anything that you can even imagine. Just remember all that these loving Divine beings do for you. Without this love they cannot go on and neither can you. Love is all there is when you seek ye the kingdom.
These Divine beings tell you everything; they deliver spirited messages about things that need to be cleaned up in your life. They let one know that they are about and mostly they are about love only, except that the human side if you cannot perceive them. Then there are those who like the pretty art of these beings and then won’t talk to them like our scribe, Ms. Jude here. She doesn’t talk to them because he won’t let them into her life. Angels come in greater and greater numbers and then like children they want to fool around and distract you while driving. Sometimes they have a reason but we don’t want to encourage them. Angels are very quiet and they can be like children. They are more simple beings with the greatest of healing powers or many other things but they are more like the children of God than even you are. They focus on their assignments and if you like them then they want to mess with you.
For instance, they want you to live in Heaven when you have responsibilities here. Divine beings can see that but then they know that their way of life is so much better than yours. Then they are sad when, people are mended of their worldly ways, such as a severe brain illness or worse. They can go back into the real world and presumably tell you about how wonderful Heaven is during their two week stay. They can and sometimes do but they don’t get to see all that I have seen in the last 20 some years and I don’t presume either because God is that much older than I. All we can do is respect and worship and praise his holy name and his son too. Many other religions revere him too in the forms that he takes on in ways that they can understand. God is the God of all people.
The old ones of the Le Mieux say “may the fittest survive” which I think is quite contrite given that even babies die and go to Heaven. I tend these children too and I love my work with them. One day a week the beautiful princess of this world comes there and tends them with her love aswan. Your missed loved ones receive the best of care. They always receive the best no matter who they are. You all can treat your fellow men, women, children and babies this way, as well as your ascended pets and farm animals, then you will know what Heaven can be. You can live there yourself this day. Heaven is where you are if you make it so by being in alignment with God’s Presence.
You may find more about the theory that puts the survival assumption to bed by Brian Hare (Ph.D.) and Vanessa Woods (M.SciComm) the researchers and co-authors responsible for shaping this idea in their latest book click here: Survival of the… Friendliest? – Research Blog (duke.edu)
Many spirits come around Ms. Jude and say that they want to give her a story. They want to warn you to do better because life is so precious especially now that they don’t live amongst you anymore and their life on Earth is gone. Well they still do I say. She doesn’t work with Spirits albeit she respects them but her life is with her family and my family per se and her Angels. Their life isn’t gone any road as the Angels say. They are now 100 or 200 years old or more and can be anywhere in between in real world years. He calls this his replenishment of them because they never age unless they are nasty.
I say that life is complex and God says: “keep it simple that’s the way I designed everything like E=MC²”. But life is not very simple anymore. It’s intricate and with the way people treat each other in the workplace and in the home what is there to say? Here’s what I say to that “Vedic medicine”. That’s our funny phrase for this but it’s not funny when you are all batting each other over the heads with your language arts and people are stressed and hurting all over especially when stress causes so much harm. So bugging someone who is loving a life because you are so important, or you want forgiveness or you want, want, want, et al. It’s not that funny and it ruins lives unless you are a very strong person like many psychic mediums of the day. They can only let so many of you in at a given price as their budget will allow. Well they are special except that not everyone wants spirits all over and not everyone wants to channel their story so:
“Move your baggage up the street and don’t let your damage, damage me. “Renegade” by T Swift.
Sometimes your spirit is out in the daytime without a license or they are out from the past and think since you are looking for ascended relatives on Ancestry that they will give themselves a ticket to come in. What do they want? They want to tell you that God is mean. That is how they say “not nice”. Well the great Holy See says almost daily ”what comes first the chicken or the egg?” This is how they get you in trouble too and you may not even know that your spirit isn’t that great and can’t follow any rules. Perhaps you were in the bar late last night and you drank so much that your spirit was left on the floor and they can’t get home. If they don’t like you they may not come back to you at all and then you drift along without any of God’s good graces. Pray for your own spirit be righted.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
As I work with my Father Who Art In Heaven, it is he who inspires me on this journey. I have trusted him through the darkest of times. We are of the light and so he plays with me with the opposite so that I can assail him and learn from him. He is beyond a genius and then he does unusual things with this light gift that is not nice, just like a Hollywood movie. He’s moving the consciousness along and so there I am and he’s picking on me somehow. In this I am going to tell you, when bad things happen, draw closer to the light. Prayer, that is the answer to everything in Heaven. That is God’s language.
Jesus said: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Trust that he knows what is good for you too. When he keeps something from you then he may know in advance that it is not good for you or your spirit or himself if he happens to be with you that day.
Special tea tree time in thee, Eustice Darling
(Another of my ascended names)