How Do The Archangels Help You?                                                

Archangel Chamuel

All truth and understanding is a result of a divine light which is God himself.     St. Augustine

How do the Archangels help you?  We have many things from the higher realms to share with you today.  We have been asked to share more of ourselves than we normally do here.  We are opening this group of Divine Insight readers up to the Light of Light’s Designment. That’s one of Eustice Grace’s favorite statements.

This day be blessed in thee.  That is our esprit decorum to speak with thee today.  Then you are where you are and I am where I am.  We are that which you can seek but not see in most cases.  I see that our Ms. Jude here can hear me but she can only see me at the 25% level or so but I am just as my pictures show and I have a large disk of gold at my chest that protects me and it has ties or ropes of woven cloth and a black one that you would call something like rubber.  I am in pink, always pink because I am of lovingness. I have a large pink auric statement that is what radiates out so that our God, He may not be your God, can see me.  My auric glow in front of me is orange.  I am beautiful but He is gifted and He is My Father as I have always called Him.  I’m told from here from Ms. Eusty that Wisdom is a thing of the past.  She has asked that we move on from Wisdom and move towards higher aspects of living.  Pink/violet robes that people and other angels and those who have passed on would recognize are my esprit decorum.

The Earth plane is moving towards higher planes of living as they are too harsh and Divine Wisdom is too mean.  And then we have this event recently wherein foreign countries are shooting off missiles and such.  This day I will tell thee that you are the one who is harsh.  You, meaning everyone.  There are things that can be done better in all of us except that we as an Archangel and Angel troupe are those who have come to bless you in your work and life.  We accept thee as you as you now art but we ask that you always try to do better.

How do the Archangels help you? We can be about a simple message only to start.  We want for the world to get to a higher plane of living wherein you can have things come to you by divine gift and not things and more things that you strive for and then you are not happy because within you have a hole, as My Father calls this, that leaves you with problems and all kinds of things that are not worth living for.  They make you sick and they make you stressed and then you have more problems that will eventually affect your health. 

You have a wonderful place wherein you can seek and ye shall find.  There are many of us now and many lightworkers.  There is a troupe of warriors who can find their way to you in seconds if there is strife and then you will see that we are beautiful and no one can compare. We try not to meddle in your family affaires.  We have our ways of living and they are many but we have our families yes and they are filled with many people and they are as gold to me, more precious than you can ever know.  We are only saddened when they decide to come back into the world to take up a life as a human being and we stay with them mostly too because they are lonely in their life’s work without us and we have a way of living that puts you apart.  They are happy growing grapes in a vineyard or selling cheese in a shop but they like to live the way people of Tuscany do in that things are very simple for us, uncomplicated really, and they are without stress.  They are filled with the esprit decorum, as we call this: the joy of living.

We play and we play because for us today, life is not a race.  All of your doctors and scientists, as you would call them that, are telling people to slow down, reduce stress for each other, stop yelling at one another and be still inside like us.  We are a quiet and peaceful people because we talk inside ourselves like cats and dogs and most animals do.  We call that ESP but it is more than that because it exudes feelings too.

How do the Archangels help you?  We help you in so many ways as we have for ever so many years.  We are about love you see and we know that you need us more than we need you.  We came to here, this place to be one with you through these words and they are beautiful, yes?  They are to me anyway and I have spent years with The Christ to make sure that I am free in my heart to talk with you today.  Jesus is pure of heart and we are too. We see to Him daily to meet his needs and they are many because he is out in the world serving the many of you and he can do this all at the same time with his ”steifs” and Ms. Eusty has described in her messages to you.  They are ”presentiments” to My Father.  He is with me always and He is always with you too.  And I like it that way, dear friends. 

This day I am about something, as angels always are, and that is for you to quiet the mind and pray.  Dr. Amen says in his new article that you should pray for 12 minutes to heal the mind where you are affected by stress so that weight loss can occur.  There are many things that affect this but the numbers are staggering and it is a problem for us all.  If you do this several times a day you can mend not only your mind but your soul where this eating disorder causes a sin, to me anyway but that is justified by grace, meaning how I was raised and what I was granted by My Father. 

We are about your wellness and eating good and “whole foods” and making better choices.  We stay away from non-organic foods when we can but we love to eat in restaurants too and therein lies the rub.  We can be at your service one moment and then leave our words behind in a script and that heals you so that we can move on to our next appointment.  The soul being, your inner self, that has experienced many lifetimes will like you for healing yourselves as many people in the world are offering you.  A great discussion is ensuing here because they, My Father and others want to offer healing here at no charge to you because the human side of you will have to pay a fee for our services.  We just don’t want you to have to worry about anyone else and we want you to receive our gifts with an open heart, no worries, no cares. 

In conclusion, know that there is a divine being, My Father, and He suffers greatly in making the world a better place.  He would like you to revere his beingness as being within you.  His Holy Spirit is always near too and that makes you a divine being and He would like you to live that way too.  Live like you love to honor Him in your life.  Let go of all negative thoughts and more good things will come thru divine channels for you and they are many.  This is how we are and we are opening you up to the light. We can certainly help you in that there are many of us and we are harmed, sometimes bodily, by trying to keep up with you!

We ask that you could come to us more often as we are beings of perfected light and we are beautiful as a gift from our Father.  He can gift you with a better look and a better everything if you pray really hard and with a lot of desire.  We can get into your space to find what makes you tick. Then you can truly have all the gifts you seek. 

Mostly we seek a willing heart and an open heart too.  We are those to whom you pray to and we answer prayers also for you and the “all that isn’t”.  The world needs more of us and more people like you.  We ask that you invite a friend to visit us here.  We are here for you and that is what is important.  If we can’t fix all that is a problem for you in this life then we will when you pass on to the next kingdom, whatever that is for you over there.

God bless,  Archangel Chamuel  

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