You have a mighty arm; strong is your hand, and high is your right hand. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; Mercy and truth go before your face. Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of our countenance.— Psalm 89:13-15
We have spent a couple of nights watching some recent movies about the excesses of this age. Unfortunately, they were true stories. One was about a billionaire gone wrong and one was about a local cult group gone wrong. It saddens us that we were working just down the way from one of these but then things can happen in your own neighborhood and then you need us the most.
Another story involved a young man who murdered his father and severely injured his mother. He was sentenced to prison where he will more than likely reside for the rest of his life. And then there was a later TV movie about a group of people who were involved in an escape from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora in 2015. These were all fascinating stories and so they made the evening news for months and many resources went into settling up these crimes as most of the free world has an ethical and understanding criminal justice system.
Know that we see these things too and we don’t like them but we remember the end result and that God sees all. He does not let the beggar go hungry in his Heaven and he does not let the billionaire continue his life in a drug-filled jungle.
That being said, be in awareness and pray for discernment so you don’t fall prey to evil forces and so you will be aware of those around you who may need divine assistance. Understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. On The Path to Divine Insight Light, self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth and making positive changes in your life. Being aware of your emotions and discerning their causes allows you to make necessary changes. This can lead to better emotional well-being, improved relationships with others, and better conflict resolution.
Discernment enables you to make more informed and rational decisions. It allows you to evaluate options, weigh pros and cons, and make choices that align with your values and goals. Some people use a simple chart to make any decisions so that these options are laid out clearly and do not take up your mental functions. When you are aware of the details of a problem or situation, you can better discern the most appropriate solutions. This can lead to more effective problem-solving and reduce impulsive decisions.
Mindfulness practices, which emphasize awareness, have been shown to be effective in stress and anxiety reduction. The Path empowers you to take control of your life. You become less influenced by external factors and more capable of making choices that serve your best interests.
Awareness can lead to insights and creative breakthroughs, while discernment helps you filter and refine these insights into practical ideas and innovations. Through effective meditation and alignment with your Divine Creator, you can achieve super awareness and live in higher dimensions right where you live now. Heaven can literally be right where you are, my dear ones!
Living with divine entities, Archangels and Angels, and many others heightens your sense of purpose and fulfillment. It allows you to live in alignment with your values, which often leads to a more satisfying and meaningful life. You see on The Path to Divine Insight we do many of these services for you and you will think that nothing has happened at all.
Do not let the news of the day bother you too much if doesn’t concern you. While you think you need to know these stories, they do have an effect and they can cause great sadness. Sometimes you can sleep these off and then His Highness can treat you. You can always meditate so that he can treat the many spaces and different planes of living that you exist on but they are many and this is not instant. If you do not pray you may not get any divine assistance depending on your faith.
Discernment requests may take a year to manifest but they are rooted in the subconsciousness and the conscience. They are about right and wrong but they are also about perceiving and gifting you with a knowingness that elevates your person. When you come up against something on a personal level you will “know from knowing” what the best course of action is for you and you will know right from wrong times a thousand.
Now these things get resolved but in all of these cases that we were watching on TV, there were many people who were involved, many others made money from these aggrandizements and the resolution of them went on for years. You may wonder why these things take so long to find and settle and convict and sometimes so do we. But then we watch over the many of you and we know how much work and money these cost your society.
Now when you know God like we know God you will come to understand that his justice is precise. He wants you to know that people do suffer because of their crimes. They do not get off scot-free when they escape the justice system. So sometimes cries for justice overly much can be sinful in and of themselves. He even had Eusty Grace with him at his judgment seat for many years and he gave her the middle name, what you would call a baptismal name, and the title of Justice. She has many titles where we live and we respect her for her service to the Light of Light’s Designment. The Archangels also work on these cases and many more. These are only part of our duties.
God does not work alone but as I said his justice is well defined and Jesus Christ always weighs in and they adjudicate these cases together. There are some people who will receive punishment from them and there are some like the law enforcement people who had to search the brush and dense forests of the Adirondack Park as we call it, in the Dannemora case, who had to go door to door and search every square inch of land to find these people who will receive a bonus from his hand personally. They had their reasons for escaping however they cost the taxpayers a lot of money. This is a very dense region of NY State, only miles from the Canadian border. God gifts these people in service such as this personally and he does the inverse of this as he sees fit also.
You never know what he is working on and so we never get him too excited either.
In the surrounding area around here and where many of you live and work there is too much violence. The police have stepped in, the State Police have been called up to serve and we have gone door to door in the middle of the night. That is what all of us do when so many people cry out for justice and a better life in proper fashion. You may look around and say that nothing is working, and no one is helping. In truth, many people are working to solve these issues of the day and when your life is looked at there just will be some dire circumstances. Remember always to pray for the things you don’t like to be righted.
People who suffer the consequences of their actions may suffer less in the next life but there are 7 billion people on the planet these days and all may not get a seat at God’s table in the future. This is God’s proving ground. That is why these lessons are so important. We want you to know that there is help. God does hear you. He knows all and nothing gets missed.
You need to know that we are beautiful but we are fierce. We have to be with what comes our way. Even though many gifted officials serve in your communities, there are so many criminal types who are pretty sure there is no punishment and no life after this one. That may just be the case for some. Sometimes life is about stark realities and we are not all about feathers and fluff.
While I am finishing up here this day in my home in heaven, if you may want to ask us a question like “I thought God was all loving and forgiving, filled with compassionate love. What is this?” This is truth and we are about that in all that we do but we are also about truth and justice. We serve the living and the dead and we do not like to see anyone hurt and harmed. We are about a better future and our efforts from the past have taken hold in your world of today much more than you can discern without the gift of discerning Spirits but everyone has the opportunity to learn right from those who wrong your life and thyme.
Archangel Gabriel