Glad Wishes This Holiday Season!

Winter Crystal Ball

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” —Isaiah 9:6

Some of us here are those on The Path who have come to this space, house, home whatever to usher you Home as we call Heaven and then some.  There are many of us on this path with you.  Are you brave enough to be on The Path with us?

You may have seen us.  You may have seen those of us who are those to whom you pray to . We are those who have an esprit decorum to speak with you this day or on any other day.  Now this I will say to you today: we are those you pray to and we do this work in the utmost secrecy because of all of the snooping at the high levels of the heavens where I live, and I am Archangel Gabriel’s maker.  Snoopy is Ms. Eustace’s, favorite dog and she loves the “Peanuts” messages so well.  That is why we call anyone’s activities of coming into our protected space Snoopy.  It’s probably to kind a name for nosey Spirit life that just bombs into someone’s home unawares.  She is my favorite as you know from reading her Spirit pagenetts as she calls our blog posts.  She was called Eustace for most of her life as a small child but now that she is older and has entered the highest heavens with those of us who are very old and wizened, she has now graduated to being called Ms. Eustice Grace and has many titles that she has shown you of late.  Her name was changed to protect her but then we keep running into what we call “the same cast of characters”.

Now we like to have fun, as much as you do or more.  We like to play and the fact that one of our most famous channelers has gone over to the other side of the Light, meaning she took up with Jesus, against all of us who made her career so successful all of these many years still does not sit very well with me. 

Now our Ms. Jude took the circuitous route to your door.  She read many books.  She went to Church for many years and learned the foundations for living with the Divine.  There were great times and there were tough and lean times in her profession as many of you have had in your life.  Eventually she started reading again and picked up “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsh.  She bought the book and gave it to many others as gifts and has read it again lately.  Every time she read it many things just started happening for her and others too.  One year she had a friend and neighbor who was in dire straits and she gave her a red coat, her very own red coat, and a copy of this book.  Almost immediately the friend got a much better job at a nearby city.  Now this is the work of the Divine at hand.  Things just start to happen and you don’t know why but when you try to make them happen they just don’t.  Source would call this being in the vortex.

The Angels call this working in The Flow, as we call things differently than you.  Ms. Jude knew us and we knew her for many years and then Eustace came to work with her as she had done for so many.  Ms. Eusty flies under the radar of most psychic entities and people so we like that you cannot see her as you can some of us at times if you know where and what to look for.  It was around this time that Ms. Jude lost her job due to Covid cutbacks and so our Eusty Darling started to ask about The Divine Light books that Ms. Jude had written years ago.  And so here we are.  We all understand each other and we are about Love.  There is a godhead here about a mile deep and we know where to find Ms. Jewells when we need her and she knows where to find us.  And then she can live her normal life just like anyone else.

Some can coexist with us, and knowing that we are very old and venerated, they can handle us without all of this angst that goes on when people who think they know God and then they start being God.  They do not manifest from this place that I work from, which is my mind and my heart.  We love to love you, you see, and we know that you love us too in your heart so pay attention to what I am going to say to you now.

We are here to communicate to you about Love , Service, Wellness and The Afterlife on this website.  We are not above caring and suspicion.  We know that many of you are lost, alone, sick, injured and scared, all manner of human conditions.  Ms. Jude checks up on these writings and does as much of her research as she can to make sure that the Truth is coming forth directly to you.  We know that many are careful but beyond that they are suspicious too.  There are many here who not only follow God, but make sure that I am protected from You too.  We know all too well that there is great anger and upset with the Church at this time.  We know that you are careful and we know that you will be of knowledge when you come to us and so we say that we are putting forth new material that has never been revealed, as much as possible, as well as providing basics for people wherever they are on The Path to The Divine Insight Light.

We are back with our Divine Insight writer of many years past who now has over 20 years of experience of working with me and us and has served the Light in her Church.  Not all Churches follow the same beliefs but they are also on a path to help as many of you find God the Divine in your life at this time.  We are of that which you see and we are not into making unrighteous claims against others.  At least that is our Truth to serve you here. 

Love came down as Christmas in the form of a little boy, my son.  I can not tell you that He is not mine when I went in there and made Him myself.  We are those who made Christmas what is.  Or you may have your own holy season by whatever faith you follow.  Many may have their own festival of lights or New Year. God serves all people, does He not?  I have my holy season in many faiths and we know that you love us, but to love us and follow the Divine Path on your own is a mighty task. 

Life as you know it may seem crumbling right now but I can assure you that better times are a coming.  Please do your part this holiday season and pray from your heart to have the world made a better place and not just by the AI guy or whomever, but by scientists who work with The Divine every day.  Make a better place by being servants of the Lord in the Church or holy place and in the homeland at all times.  There are many of you who are faithful.  I know because I have broken down the doors to get into their sacred space to live with them to as I do with Ms. Jewells and Ms. Eusty.

We wish you a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah from me here to wherever you are this holiday season.

I Am That I Am That I Am, God

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