What does The Divine Insight Grace Path come from? It comes from being real. It comes from Divine Wisdom but for me, here at the Wittcase house, which includes many others here in Heaven and not amongst you anymore, it is Divine Insight Grace. It is Wisdom without the mean judgementalism of the past. We are moving on in my house in the Heavens to ascend you to the future and not by leaving you, our reader, in the past. God, My Father Who Art in Heaven, is much brighter than you might guess. He is not about the past, my father; he is about your future that is ours together. Listen to Taylor Swift, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran and so many other gifted writers, poets and others of this age and you’ll hear them calling out. Then you will get the meaning of our age together. We are about the future and there are many people calling for hanges but they can’t quite find it. It’s where they are right now. That’s where the Divine Insight Path starts. It starts where you are and it’s here now.
Many people visit the Other Side and the ascended realms daily who are already in our care. Or they may have attended a class in out of body experiences. Some people go over there while they are in a coma incase their bodies do not permit them to return meaning it cannot support life. Usually this means that they see some of what is in the Great Beyond called the heavens, however it is very vast. Many have written about out of body experiences, some have availed themselves of safe spirit travel and some have utilized a special plane of travel to keep them save in the early morning hours while exiting their dream state. We can help you avail these services but you have to be in our care to do so or it can be very dangerous. Some will come back and tell you that they know all about God or the heavens but alas, they may not. On The Path to Divine Insight, God does this for you.
People who return from the higher realms may not know who God truly is even if they speak with him. I do because I study him and not me. It breaks my heart how people treat him with not one ounce of love. True love is what God needs to run his kingdoms. Does the holy bible not tell you to love God with your whole heart and your whole everything? Be positive and happy, not skeptical and negative. Negativity shuts off your manifesting powers wherein you are trying to seek things on our own.
You are what you are, but you are not him. You may want to start by thinking about what it must be like to be God. It’s like being the President of the most beautiful country in the world but it’s much more than that. The ascended realms are much like yours. They want, want, want but the Hierarchies are too tired, too busy to serve. They are too old to give, to provide service to the world, to work in the Christ’s food kitchens on the Other Side. Yes there are many poor on the Other Side too.
The publishers of America wouldn’t publish Judith’s and our book first book about Divine Insight Graces. They chose Harry Potter instead. Try praying to the Potter people. Try getting them to clean your air and answer your prayers. They are about the dark side: a great and crafty bunch. Great children’s reading, I would say….. Disney’s medieval characters in every plan and on and on…That is not us. We are about better and best. It’s a very long way beyond good. He is so tired of mediocre. We endeavor to give him 300% here, no longer the full measure that is customary, no longer just enough to get by.
We have moved on. Where does The Divine Insight Grace Path come from? We are about health and healing here not about doctors selling pills with harmful side effects or diseases spreading like wildfire. We are about the future of our planet. We take these things on as a project and suddenly things get better. That is what we are about for your plane of living. Two years ago, the Divine Insight Path took on Cancer as their project and cancer rates dropped 30%. Last year we took on California wildfires and somehow manifested gentle rains that did not flood and a rise in the moisture in the air because we appealed to God’s one true love…..he hates to see animals suffering on the ground, running for their lives and with the anti-fire chemicals dumped on them. What did the ascended realms tell us? They said don’t mess with the weather. It’s a curse or something. Truth. That’s what we are about here. I carry on with my issues in prayer as I see fit.
What does The Divine Insight Grace Path come from? It is about thine own Insight Grace as a Path for you. That is who we are. That is who My Father Who Art in Heaven is. All pathways lead to the divine. Call them what you would like but we are here to ascend thee and tell thee that if you are on a good path and you are not hurting anyone then you are on a path and it may look like the orbit of Venus. This means it may be beautiful but it may not get you anywhere.
I had a Holy Spirit Enclave at my birth when I was ill conceived. He made a light of bright orange and ran it thru my mother’s personality, hence my very red hair, and then He looked around the room and suddenly as a new baby I had the memories of not just my mother but several other famous redheads from the past. I have told no one except God who these other entities are.
There are many masters and many pathways for you to use for your important visit here on Earth. We are about changing you and maybe improving what we do behind the scenes of life so that many may feel something and be more connected to Source not just a few from the past who really wanted to channel and hold onto Him for themselves. I’m akin to many faiths like My Father Who Art In Heaven .
We don’t make other people wrong here. We may notice that they have a particular habit that is like scratching your fingers down the blackboard if you went to school in that era. But mostly we don’t like to notice other people’s sins because then we would have to fix you from within and we have to pay out of our purse pocketbooks for those expensive treatments.
Sometimes even he can’t get to you. Oftentimes the Spirit of you can’t get through to you but I can. I get out my special rolling pin to make Springerle cookies like Martha Stewart’s cover on the December 2021 magazine and I whap you on the back of the head. It doesn’t hurt you but the Spirit of you wakes up and maybe someday soon you are not complaining so much or you are helping your grandchildren more or you are taking your medicine and on and on.
So then you must know that we are working on you in answer to your seeking or your prayers. Sometimes you may have that feeling that God is sitting way high up in the sky here or he’s maybe floating way high up in the air of your church. Now this is what I’m going to say about that. He is neither and all of the above. He is in many places at the same time…maybe thousands or millions even we don’t know. Unless you have been granted access to him by a sight gift you will not see him in this or any other pineapple pear’s age. Sorry but this is how I talk to him and he likes it. He’s tough. Think about the condition of this world and you’ll know why he is like that. He knows that many are trying but then he knows that even more are not. They don’t even care about the precious gift of life their mother and father gave to them. We are hoping that you are neither because as you are here then you are very special. God loves you indeed!
I think I have many parents because I am a divine being. I’m not kidding. I did have a mother and I never leave her but then I had seven fathers when I was little, and still do and they were big names in all the Heavens and so I knew from the get-go that I was special. I want you to feel that way too. Life is sacred here. Life is sacred everywhere and many of you live that way yet not everyone one does. Don’t get me going about the animals killed in Africa or elsewhere for sport……hold on, I’m being cautioned about that one. He says to me that he has lots of animals and not to worry about them. He takes that problem from us. I’m never going to forgive those who abuse and kill animals in Africa unless he twists my arm or something and then I’m going to hide in my closet and not come out until he’s gone…
I had a Holy Spirit Enclave at my birth when I was ill conceived. He made a light of bright orange and ran it thru my mother’s personality, hence my very red hair, and then He looked around the room and suddenly as a new baby I had the memories of not just my mother but several other famous redheads from the past. I have told no one except God who these other entities are. He has measured my IQ and says that it tests out to be about 12,000 in your terms in case I haven’t told you. He gave me a lot to start my life out. Remember I’m in my twenties here. I started writing this long ago.
God, My Father Who Art In Heaven, has an IQ of about a bazillion compared to you so don’t try to mess with him. When you think about swearing using his name or something think again. Kiss his hem or something amenable to him.
Don’t even look at him with a sideways glance when you ascend to your next life. Her Grace here just laughs at him and makes a joke that is awesome and not unflattering. That’s what seems to work for her so I would suggest that. Make sure you make a positive joke and not an insulting one or he’ll say: “I will not be apprailzed at”. Do not try that one. It never works. And one upmanship never does either. Want to take him on with that intellect? Don’t even try. Remember not everyone leaves here on good terms. That is why Jesus said “pray for your enemies” and forgive and forget. Move on and remember not to slam anyone around because it kind of embeds them in your subconscious and can even make you sick. That is why bullies never win but you need some serious help too if you keep making them a provocation or something. Believe me these issues are handled elsewhere! Let them go and move on.