Enjoy The Artistry of Christmastime!

Christmastime lil girls

You too can seek the artist from within.  If I can do this then anyone can!  Our mind makes things too hard.  We are programed by the subconscious mind to do things this way and not that way.  We know now that our thoughts as a young child program the mind.  We need to free ourselves from the automatic processes of the subconscious and instill new and creative ones that help us to achieve what we really desire.  This is how you use the key that unlocks the door to your subconscious.  Then you can create art consciously from Awareness in the present. 

A mind focused on positive emotions is a positive space for the state of mind that is Faith.  A mind dominated by faith will give the subconscious mind the instructions that will cause immediate contact with the Infinite Intelligence.  The Lord your God take care of you.  They and many others help to answer prayers for you.  We do not pray to ourselves to get these things done for us, so place not your faith in yourselves alone.  Be working on your Divine connection always.  This is why The Path to Divine Insight is here for you.

Angel red and green card

Several years ago, I started sending Angel cards to family and friends at Christmastime.  I thought they were so beautiful and way too nice for them to be disposed of at the end of the holiday season. I envisioned that I should save them and treasure them.  We all have these creative thoughts and from that we can make great things.  When I was younger, a Baptist friend of mine told me that “only God creates”.  He went on to explain that he was taught that people can make things but we are not the creators; He is.  So this has stayed with me all of these years.  Sometimes I hear different schools of thoughts but for me He is my Creator and He can do wonderous things that I cannot do for myself beyond all imaginings.  My middle name is “Independence” but in Him do I place all of my Trust!

One day I had a very powerful thought that just came to me in a flash.  I used to call them “pregnant thoughts” because they were so big.  Or so I thought.  Now I know that they are Divine Insights.  I had been taking a class based on the book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron.  I mainly took it because my best friend asked me to go with her and it was an evening that we could do something together.  We drove to the classroom and there were many people there, quite a few men, and we worked on the chapters of the book week by week.  We will write more about this wonderfully inspiring book at another time because it is so filled with fantastic inspiration!

So with the sights and smells of Christmas, I used these inspirations to build two large scrapbooks to hold my Angel cards going back several years.  I have taken them to meetings at Church and showed them to family and friends who thought they were beautiful. I was so happy to preserve these cards and have an organized way to display them for others.

We know that you might not feel like much of an artist and I did not either. You may have attracted your art in a different way like music, writing, jewelry making, painting or woodworking.   My mother was a wonderful artist and she was a potter among several other interests.

“When I see a shard of pottery, I often think to myself, “Who ate off that?” Before I know it, I am transported to a wealthy Victorian family’s dining room, sharing dinner with them on the plate that I just found on the river foreshore. Another shard, and I am whisked away to the table of a Roman family living alongside the river, missing home”. Gary Phillips

She also did amazing smocking like this Mistletoe Ball:

Moms smocked ball

While I was thinking that I didn’t really have an artistic background, I was writing my first books that were gifts from God.  I channeled four of them within a year, and one was from Eustice Grace.  Her art is many things but mostly it’s fun!  She is a brilliant child of the Divine that serves His Lordship everyday.  She is tireless in helping with His Divine duties as are too many Angels to count.   I did a lot of writing, typing, editing but I didn’t see myself with any artistic talents.  His Highness helped me to design a theme for my house which is mostly English traditional, for my dad native country, and Angels!  They are everywhere in my home and they are most beautiful.  These are among my most favorite, although I truly love them all:

Sweet Child Angel with  baby Jesu from The Bradford Exchange:

Panuesche angel girl

God gave Ms. Eusty an Angel just like this when she was a very small child so she would have someone to play with.

The art of Christmas has inspired people for many centuries.  From some simple cards I was able to create a masterpiece for myself, and also for others.  God and Ms. Eusty have shared them with many an angelic visitor to my humble home.  They make me very happy and that is what The Path to the Divine Light is to me.  It’s about filling your home and heart and mind with that which you truly love so that nothing bad can get through.  It keeps me busy and when I sit down at the end of the day I truly enjoy all of what He and I and she, our Ms. Eusty, have created here. 

And now I know, because I have a limited “gift of sight” to see some of the ascended realms, that my parents have inspired me by many years of their own art: my dad built his own house and never had a mortgage payment or a car payment.  He died on Christmas Eve at the age of 94.  He didn’t take any medical prescriptions and he somehow kept himself in his own home until his last day.  But now I can see him whenever I want to, mostly I try to not bother him because I know he is enjoying his eternal life with Him, the one God who has brought us all so many gifts of the Spirit.

You see, this is the reason that I mention my dad and mom with my angel cards.  It’s because my mom inspired the artist within me.  She set me up with skills to keep a nice home and treasure what one already has.  Life can be complex if you want but when you really appreciate and treasure what you already have, and stop the “wanting of material goods”, that the real gifts of the Spirit can come through.  This is called The Flow State.  God is still creating a rich life for my parents, friends and those who are no longer on my Christmas card list because they have passed on to a new life with Him.

We are all treasured this way and we need to fill all of our thoughts with the blessings of this time we are living in and put aside the negative thoughts of other people and things that don’t serve us.

God bless you all at Christmastime, Jude,

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