’I tried to explain to them that my god was everywhere, you see. They wanted to know, ‘Then why can we not see him?’ I said, ‘Because my god is invisible,’ and they said, ‘Then how do you not trip over your god?’ and I said, ‘Verily, my friends, sometimes I do!’…The Signature of Everything, Elizabeth Gilbert
This is our tale about the Fibonacci of everything. There aren’t many things in the ascended realms that are as simple as a flower. God has fresh flowers all over the place as long as they don’t have thorns. Yes, He has roses without thorns. They have nothing to do with the “Thorn Birds”. It has everything do to with the ascended with sight gifts who would smudge upon them and hurt their eyes and also they affect His Light which is everywhere these days.
There is a unique ratio that can be used to describe the proportions of everything from nature’s smallest building blocks, such as atoms, to the most advanced patterns in the universe, like large celestial bodies. Nature relies on this innate proportion to maintain balance.
The financial markets also seem to conform to this “golden ratio”. The Fibonacci Sequence in stock market trading is one of the technical indicators for predicting future movements in the stock market. They are more than a simple ratio or sequence of numbers when it comes to trading stocks. They can be utilized as various indicators that may point to key support, resistance, and reversal areas. You can see that with ‘big picture’ long-term charts and especially after big moves, Fibonacci indicators can help point to key levels.
The Fibonacci sequence is named after its Italian founder, Leonardo Fibonacci (1175 A.D.-1250 A.D.). In the sequence, each number is simply the sum of the two preceding numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. Mathematicians, scientists, and naturalists have known about the golden ratio for centuries. It certainly has stood the test of time. The Golden Mean proportion was central to the numerological philosophy of Plato and Pythagoras. It was used for the proportions of Egyptian and Greek temples, particularly the Parthenon.
But this sequence is not all that important. The essential part is the quotient of the adjacent number that possess an amazing proportion, roughly 1.618, or its inverse 0.618. This proportion is known by many names: The Golden Ratio, The Golden Mean, phi, Greek letters ϕ or τ, and The Divine Proportion, among others. So, why is this number so important? Well, almost everything has dimensional properties that adhere to the ratio of 1.618, so it seems to have a fundamental function for the building blocks of nature. Basically, it references how God thinks as it’s present in everything that He creates in the unseen and the real world. Tis a blessing indeed!
If you divide the female honeybees by the male bees in any given hive, you will get 1.618. Sunflowers, which have opposing spirals of seeds, have a 1.618 ratio between the diameters of each rotation. This same ratio can be seen in relationships between different components throughout nature. Evidence of the Fibonacci Sequence is spread across all of creation, from the design of DNA which resides in all living things, to seashells, plants and flowers, trees, and the design of human and animal bodies. The Golden Ratio is also evident in the spiral nature of hurricanes, and even the spiral shape of galaxies!

The number of petals in a flower is often one of the following numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 or 55. The lily has three petals, buttercups have five, daisies have often 34 or 55 petals, etc. When one observes the heads of sunflowers, one notices two series of curves, one winding in one sense and one in another: the number of spirals not being the same in each sense. The number of spirals in general is either 21 and 34, either 34 and 55, either 55 and 89, or 89 and 144.
The same for pinecones: they have either 8 spirals from one side and 13 from the other, or either 5 spirals from one side and 8 from the other. The number of diagonals of a pineapple is also 8 in one direction and 13 in the other. They all belong to the Fibonacci Sequence. In the ascended realms they call these the God Sequence.
There is evidence that The Golden Mean Ratio was used in the building of the Chartres Cathedral and also that it was used in the rose windows. Pythagoras claimed that its proportions were musical. According to Hermann Helmholtz, the fundamental tones described in this series create pleasurable consonances in the brain. Modern architects have used the divine proportion in their buildings, most notably Frank Lloyd Wright.
Why does God create this way? I don’t know. Just ask Him and see what He tells you. You may just hear His still sweet voice from within say: Hi, it’s me!
Once again, Holy See Eustice Grace
Beautifully written. Appreciate this excellent post.