We know that you are those to whom we need to serve and serve you we do. You either tow the line or else “you are out”. We like to reference Heidi Klum on America’s Got Talent. Actually, we are just kidding with that except that He does have minimal expectations that you have to follow in this life and the next several.
There is a great Awarethem in heaven as I like to call this because He is everywhere and we know not where. We pray items that we think He would like to see in the media so that they go right into His Prayerbox as He calls this so the real He doesn’t miss anything. It looks just like the one for Queen Elizabeth II in “The Crown”. I don’t know what the real one that they use in Buckingham Palace looks like, but His Holy Highness from there does. It could be a totally different presentiment and so thusly, I just don’t know from where we are writing this.
These items from His Prayerbox are then read to Him during the night until He falls asleep. Isn’t that cute? God sleeping. Life does exhaust Him you know but it takes a really long time for this to happen. He always has about 20 of His direct presentiments waiting in case something happens to any of them, with this much evil afoot you know. Your TV’s and Media Arts and victims of the Police blotters cough this up daily not to mention your children’s books and goodness what goes into children’s books these days. Everyone has a villain in it.
So if I were you, I would live like we do in what would be your next life as you may as well get ready now. You know there is a God right? Uh humm… And you know there is a God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, The God Force and Quantum Field and on an on? There isn’t much about The Unified Field Theory that He doesn’t know. And so there are thousands of scientists studying the concepts of God’s realms unseen. He kinda thinks this is His four corners as they say over there. You will believe when you see Him create over there. You will know how He creates and why He does so. Ms. Jude has seen Him do this. You can always ask her about this but she has to get a “clearancy” to talk about any of this. We all do unless you are a Jesus original Saint or above…. His hierarchies you know.
That’s pretty funny as some of His people come up here from, the well dare I say 900 – 1550 AD, and they still think the world is flat. So…… yep try to live with these people if you would call them that in the modern age. So that is Catholic Heaven these days. These oldsters are running all over the place and then, well sometimes they are Him, all at once doing a play or what you see them doing comes out into the consciousness as a new movie from the media arts capital of the world which is Hollywood to them. Ms. Jude circumvents this by only watching shows on Amazon Prime that are British or European or something better. And that’s me. That’s what I do for her. I entertain her you see.
So then we are here today about the Laws of Assumption which means you have something to create from for your own life. You follow the laws that go along with this and with His power from within you helps you manifest, as Ms. Jude calls this. She was befriended by a Baptist friend to believe that only God creates from nothing you see. Well you do create as I would call this but you call this up from the Quantum Field, which is God Consciousness. It’s God’s “pur light” (sic) as He calls this. And it is pure too until the Etheric Masters find out that He has something for you and then they run all through it and crap it all up. Uh humm, just like letting that little dog of yours in from the yard that is quite muddy as they are at some times of the year. That’s what they do too, with their very own selfish selves you see. Not much love for Him there you see. They are very auspicious, meaning suspicious and then they think this is all a big joke or something because they know there is so much more for you no matter who you are.
So then we are about change in thee, and we are to thine owlny own selfish self people, these days. We take and we take and we take from Him and then we say we are sorry for taking His time up and we ask to be forgiven every day because we are Catholic’s where I came from. Ms. Jude isn’t though so sometimes it takes her Faith in Him to move mountains here you see. She is Protestant and so she has always lived with this Law of Assumption.
Now this law requires that you have a clear intention involved in His plan somehow. Be as specific as you can. Some people advocate that you write out your plan and study this several times a day or so. Then you apply the “desire” like a coat of thick mustard and it sticks somehow. Now in the early days, He used to cajole our Ms. Jude with a dream or vision or something of a streetcar with a sign on the side called “DESIRE”. We just chucked it aside and thought it was a reference to “A Streetcar Named Desire” because of His rich ties to Hollywoodites and rich blonds or something. Oh no, not Him. He is the king of bounty and affluencies. Well, He would call this Affluence or Abundance or something but at Ms. Jude’s house it resulted in a lot of paper, which we are still trying to help her cut down on. An old friend of told her at Smith Barney, when she was trying to get started in the investment business, to “head the paper off at the door”. It has been good advice and now messages are showing up in emails galore. There are so many of them that are truly amazing and so many of them that just aren’t.
This is where we are with this rule, law whatever. Jesus says just live and I will take care of you here anyway. I’m not so sure about that but sometimes they think over there where He lives that you don’t really start living and manifesting until you leave this life because it’s so limited over here where you are and over there where it’s more heavenly so to speak. You can manifest things like clothes, homes and travel very quickly, if you are deserving that is.
I don’t know which of these I would follow if I were you so I would probably suggest that you try several things, many things and then go with what happens to bring you what you would like safely. Some people seem to say anything and do anything and they still manifest all kinds of gunk in their life without ever setting foot in a church, and there are lots of people like this. You know everything is a swear word and all that….. That’s their “The Secret” I guess. They just don’t care about anyone else. That’s just not me, or us, and we don’t want to have to answer for that someday, because everyone for sure just does have to answer for that which they have put forth on the consciousness.
To conclude with this, there are a few other juicy finds in this Law of Assumption. Please be sure that you are always thinking about others and what you can do of service in this life. Be VERY EXCITED about your ideas and the life you have now and grateful because to paraphrase Jesus; “there is always someone else doing worse than you”. I would like to say that there are always better places at God’s table that you should aspire to. But the Sweet Jesu also always, always, states that you always get something better when you leave here than you have right now. Think about that as a gift of the Presence for reading these pagenettes today. To be alive is a Present!
So now that you know this law more better, as I like to say, because language is my friend: I trust that you will stay in this state of Awarethem more often and use you imagination, who is your friendlies part of you, where you dare to have dreams. Live in the state of desire where you already have all that you wish to have and you will live in the “state of the wish fulfilled”. Use affirmations that clearly state that you already have that which you wish to have and see the world begin to fall into place.
That’s how this law is. “Think and Grow Rich” and all that. Believe that you already are rich and you will begin to live like God when amongst us. Live like you already have enough and want for nothing.
You true loving friend from the Ascended Realms, Eustice Darling!