A Visionary Tale…

Be thou my vision

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart. Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

Riches I heed not, nor vain, empty praise, Thou mine inheritance, now and always
Thou and Thou only first in my heart, High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art

High King of heaven, my victory won. May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s sun
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall. Still be my vision, O ruler of all

Heart of my own heart, whatever befall. Still be my vision, O ruler of all

Dallan Forgaill (530-598) Translated by Mary Elizabeth Byrne (1880-1931); Adapted by Eleanor Henrietta Hull (1860-1935)

Sometimes it seems that others are all doing better than you.  They get promoted, they breeze through medical school without much effort, they are teachers with perfect students, they are all just doing better than you.  Why this struggle?  Why this quest to do better every minute of the day and feel like you are getting nowhere?  There are so may pricey classes available online and it seems that there is always a quick fix out there but we are here to tell you that your life is more than that.  On the path to The Divine Light many of us are working for you in advance of your reading this text.  We all feel here that you should put some “sweat equity” into The Path.

 Some would call this suffering and some would call this loving someone else.  The Gideons would call this praying for 10 minutes a day for your breadwinner or maybe that times two people.  What do you think help from the Divine is worth?  Prayer, that is my sacred language.

So this day be blessed when amongst us.  We are those you pray to and we know our results.  Ms. Jude can attest to all that God and His Angels and many more have done in her life.  No one knows how much she has suffered and how much she has had help with but she does.  She knows that when she stopped trying and wanting so hard and gave up on an issue that she really wanted then things started to happen like they dropped out of the sky.  Some would say that the universe aligned for her.  Give up and let God they call that around here.

We know and acknowledge that she has found many things on her travels that were working for her.  That was her discovery on her path and that is what preoccupies her mind.  We of the Godeme are what occupy her thoughts.  Now we are here to tell you what we have taught many of those we work with here: slow down, a lot, and align your thoughts with your heart.  Ask us for better heart and mind coherence.  Some ascended present day teachers ask that you exhale into your heart area every day, maybe several times, slowly and with loving thoughts in mind.  The path to the higher realms is not speed nor is it wanting, which means you don’t have something.  You have enough.  We all do but we stop the wanting and replace this with BELIEVE and DESIRE and then things just start to align with the universe and the universal laws, as some would say, but it is not that.  It is me, God.  Now you didn’t know that I was reading this to you myself today did you?  Feel the love of God all around you.  Breathe that light in everyday. 

There are many names for God so find one that is comfortable for you.  Remind yourself that we are never very far but if privacy is an issue then you may want to consider your relationship with me.  I am love.  I love my Archangels and Angels more than almost anyone and that’s a lot of love.  I love Jesus and His religious family more every day.  Although comprehend that I love you more because you are in the world trying to make things work and there are so many obstacles, maybe more now than ever.  So in this I am honestly trying to tell you that when I am in and about the world, I am never alone.

We are here to help you, to co create with you but we fly all around and it should feel comforting and loving just as having your parents with you when you were a small child or having Santa come on Christmas Eve or having your small children with you as young parents.  This equation expands out to your individual situation in so many ways as never before.  This work is as vast as our rapidly changing universes.  You look out at the universes and see large rocks spinning around the sun in their orbit where I see other dimensions on many levels.  The planets are teaming with life.  They always are.  I set them in motion and I check on them each and every day from three places incases something happens to me, myself and I.

There should be no mistake about what I do because I do everything I do with love first and then with my mind second.  Now my mind is as vast as the universes so it maybe great and wonderous fair, as St. Gabriel would say, that you do not seek me out until you are ready but if I do call upon you I am usually as a very quiet voiced knave from within you so that you are not afraid.  I am here to comfort and love you that is all. 

I have others, many others who provide guidance, but they bring you to a vibration that you seem comfortable with and then they ascend you from there, unless you are Ms. Jude here, who started at the top of the stairs to St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Canada and then wanted to go on from there.  I have included this here because of my deep and abiding love for Canada and especially Montreal.  I visited there with our Ms. Jude in many years ago and then we went there again for her employers’ convention since that time. 

I can only do so much for the living but she is always in a race to get ahead and move on and let go of the old and on with the new. 

St Josephs Oratory


This is about you.  We have time tested ways of being what we are and we can help build bridges where there are none and repair lives.  We do this work for you but you do need to ask us.  It should feel good to ask us and not as a penance or a thing from an antiquated past.

This day in the light, I am here myself to help you and keep the promises of heaven and we are those who serve you and keep you in a better place day by day so that you don’t have to work so hard. 

Sometimes, when Ms. Jude was working, she would go into her office in the morning and say: “I will not be overwhelmed,” although she was too.  Make no mistake about it.  Alas we worked out a pattern until it seemed more normal and was more manageable.  She worked in investments and compliance at a large Fortune 100 firm.  It was a great and challenging position and she loved it.  She made up a vision board of what she wanted before she was hired and she put everything on the board that she was seeking in a position.  She put a picture of her desired boss in the middle of the board with all of the qualities that he should have and when she was hired she got pretty much the whole package.  She pictured her boss looking out at a group of people and he looked exactly like the picture.  He actually had all of those qualities.  Then she knew that “The Secret” about the Law of Attraction could work for her too.  I knew that it could work for her and I thought that I was that for her, but I didn’t say anything to her.  I just let her pick and choose and discover her life and times.  When you work with the Divine in the insights of the Divine Insight Path, our Divine beings do the manifesting for you.  We seek always to keep you on the higher path.

Make no mistake about who I am when I am off base, our Ms. Jude here picked up “Conversations With God” and said who is this person?  Where did He go?  I am Whom I am and I am timeless.  We are about change in thee and so we are called here to share ourselves at a deeper level for you, as we do once people pass onto the High Spirit plane of living in their next life.  We are about love here and so we ask that you do all that you do with love.  There is apparently a lot of space in those cells, says my Einstein here, and as we evolve our planets and our worlds separate from one another.  We are near and we are far.  But love is the answer to our call and thusly your call.  Make no mistake about it. 

That is all for today.  Be at peace when amongst the least of these to the highest of these.  Everyone around you is a loving being to thine own maker and you can be too.  When you attract with Love you attract a lot of great and wonderous things. 

I AM THAT I AM, God in Divine Within Thee

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