Hope is promise. When the present seems unbearable, hope allows us to live in the future and, there, to find ease. When we hope, we partake of the state of absolute calm that has already understood that everything we have done and everything shall do will be beautiful somewhere, sometime; that our sorrows will enhance us, that even our tragedies will bring us to our depth…Daphne Rose Kingma, The Book of Love
Where does God want to go from here? You would go out at a 90 degree angle on a chart representing 30 years into the future and that is what he heads for. That is the future with a God who cares about you. Are you there with him? No? You always fall short because you are not Him. He knows that no one can keep up with him so he just LOVES you more than you can even imagine. We are not even sure what specie he is because he doesn’t test out with anything earthling. You are made in his image. So you had better TRUST IN HIM in a big way. He’s had a number of years to get this right. If he loves you then you are in! If he doesn’t then you had better start praying.
Life is not a game to him and it’s not a school either although you will hear people refer to this over and over, even from the ascended teachers of our age. Life is sacred to him. That says it all. They don’t know him or they may know a different part of his Light… Oh, and you doubters out there? I know that as he is my Father in Heaven and I travel with him everywhere and I have helped many of you as he travels the Timeline and that make me and him timeless but he always says that the future hasn’t happened yet. My name and all of my ascended titles mean a lot in the Heavens. I may get him to talk to you someday like he did in Path To The Divine Light, but he’s not ready yet. You don’t like to listen to him. My mother thinks he is her elixir but I can assure you he is not. He is more than that. He is LOVE until he is not.
Where does God want to go from here? When we are at one with the Divine Light there are many of us to help with any issues depending on who or what we are working with. You may not even know that we are near but Ms. Jude here does so she can testify that we are real. You would be surprised at what the saints from of old can solve with a wave of their hand or scratch by the side of their face. Sometimes they wiggle their nose and the things in your house go missing if you are not a good person.
They may arrange to have one of your old friends or a coworker visit you without your knowledge, but the soul of you knows and they love one another because they understand how hard your life is so much more than mere mortals do. They may even pull someone up who is stored in your subconscious so a particular situation can be mended. If you can look at other people and see that they are suffering and leading a very hard life and then you will be one step ahead of everyone else. Always try to empathize with others if you cannot love your neighbor as yourself.
Remember there is a God in every one of us but he or she is not necessarily THEM. Each person is a divine being unto their own self and they should act like they are the temple of God too. You are more miraculous than you could ever imagine. Where does God want to go from here? What is your plan for your future at the end of this one?
Greetings in the Divine Light, Eustice Grace