What is The Path to The Divine Insight Grace? Many people are searching for a path to the divine. They may think that there is no sign of God or his Divine Light beings anywhere but that is not the truth at all. You need to be “gifted” with Divine Light sight to see and hear divine beings. The Divine Insight Path brings this to those who manifest a better mind, body, soul connection.
I have to tell you that his highness has the best sense of humor just like he stated in “Conversations with God, Book 1” by Donald Neale Walsh. This was a book that I read early in my search on The Path. The book was on the best seller list for 137 weeks. “I invented humor”, he told Donald and the whole world. He is humorous until he isn’t. I have always found that he is love and he is compassion. He has done miraculous things for my health and many other things. He has many God beings (presentiments) and they do not all look alike and neither do we people who are made in his image. Here is an easy link to purchase Conversations with God for yourself.
My life takes a lot of patience on his part. We have worked very hard for many years. Recently, Eustice Grace, my beautiful red headed heavenly guide, says to me “let’s try to share the path that you have been on and make it work for others”. We are doing our part and the rest is up to you. We hope to share much with you about wellness and spiritual right mindedness. Information comes into the world from many sources but it’s truly amazing when you can hear directly from the source.
It seems that the ascended teachers of the past would prefer that you wait until you pass away to get their lessons because that is what they do to keep themselves in his good graces and bring good things to light in your life. Many of them were not treated very well during their life in the world nor was Jesus The Christ. God likes these people the best. They are venerated entities and have more power than you realize. So beware! They are old and they are still learning new things from guess who: the world’s scientists and many ascended teachers among the living and you.
Everything is interconnected and everything depends on everyone else more than you know. That is the sacredness of life. That is our teaching about your divine connection today. Yes, you already know this and this is how you might want to live all day every day, especially if your time is short on the Earth plane. This is for everyone, even people who think they are really nice.
We will be writing more later about what people who are aging need to know because God knows his people are scared and they are afraid that the teachings of the churches are not true. Teachings from God and his ascended human beings have poured forth his love for thousands of years, more years that you can even imagine, but people are still afraid to pass over. Everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to go today as they say. I have been there many times and so I will be sharing more as time goes on but only to help you to be less afraid. He is beautiful and your God will be beautiful to for you too if you do the work.
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