“We must learn to love and give selflessly, for in doing so, we become rich in God’s grace” — Saint John of the Cross (A mystic and poet whose writings reflect on divine love and spiritual prosperity)
We know that you need a better connection to the divine in these uncertain times, no matter what your circumstances in life and station. We know that many people chase success and the stress of it gives them negative emotions and therein lies the issues at hand.
Stress makes it more difficult for you to hear the voice of God. Your wavelengths can be clogged with thoughts that do not bring success, happiness or anything close to it. To improve your situation, you need to think positive thoughts as much as possible. You need to align your heart and your mind in coherence. The Path to Divine Insight starts with the choices you make each day.
There is sometimes a crust around you on the etheric side that appears to us as a wasp nest material and this can mean many things. These things need to be cleared away. There are many stories and lessons on how to raise your vibration. Sometimes you need to get more exercise. You may need to be out in nature more. You may need to read more books or listen to more audiobooks or TV programs that are provided to educate you on the finer things of living. Everyone has things that bring them happiness. Choose a clear path forward and remember that you are not stuck; many options are available for you to enjoy.
All of these things are intertwined you see. They bring you to a more divine life experience and a life with your divine inner being utilizing the religious experience of your faith. The Path starts with being kind and compassionate to each other out in the world and within your inner circle of friends, family, children, and pets… We know that this path has helped many people and that God and his Archangels can help you no matter where you are.
Now there are many words for God, and we literally have volumes of them in every language. However, your faith has its own, and you should use them when you address your prayers so they get to the right place using God’s etheric messaging systems in the infinite space that he has created and has used for a millennia. So in this, we know that there is much for you to learn and as the world and the technologies spin their magic yarn, so does he in his magical ways of the Magi and beyond.
As many people feel financially stressed in a difficult economic cycle after so many blessed years, we are reminded of an ages-old story. The Holy Bible references the story in Genesis, wherein God reveals Pharoah’s dream to Joseph. After interpreting the dream and delivering the bad news that famine was coming, Joseph tells Pharoah what he should do to save Egypt. He advises Pharoah to set aside grain during seven years of plenty to prepare for seven years of famine. So, as that was a good lesson then, it can still be a useful rule for living. Some lessons do not last for thousands of years because times change and people do too. Now, some would say that God is timeless, but the changes in the world do have their effect on us all.
Therefore, utilize what you have saved in the lean times to maintain your prosperity and security. While some may find themselves unprepared, others who have saved or planned ahead can weather these challenges more effectively. Sometimes, corporations and businesses do the same. Be thankful for those who have stepped up at all levels of society to take care of you and yours during times of extreme turmoil, as there are always issues in a complex society. Prepare in advance for hard times. Set aside your worries and leave the difficult issues of the times to God and his mighty Archangels and Angels. Worry is a lost art and it deflates your resources greatly.
So we have a prosperity lesson in thee and for thy divine pleasure so that you will set aside 10% of each paycheck you receive at any given time for yourselves so that you have a safety net. There is something in the airs of the universe that blesses those with a savings account as none other. Then, you may go on to build other longer-term investment accounts. You may have heard this but then you may not have taken action to bring this about. God is your endless supply. So therein we start with small steps that are easy to attain. Know that His Highness can help you directly. Listen and speak to him so that he comes across without a debacle. You can listen and hear God’s still sweet quiet voice from within.
Divine guidance provided by God, the Archangels, the heavenly host, and many others can provide guidance and insights related to financial decisions. You may pray or meditate to seek guidance on investments, career choices, or financial planning, believing that these divine beings can help you make wise choices. Believe!
In closing, there are many things that you can do to realize your goals. The Path to Divine Insight helps you to focus without thinking that you are alone in this lifetime. You may find a book that outlines specific steps to improve your life. You may outline your short and long-term goals and then work on them in steps. Write them down. Get them out and look at them daily or weekly or whatever you can do. You can even keep a list of things you wish to do. There are many paths to his Divine Light.
The spiritual Law of Giving and Receiving is found in many spiritual and religious traditions and states that by giving generously to others, we open ourselves up to receiving abundance and prosperity in return. The principle is that giving sets into motion a flow of energy that ultimately returns to us in various forms, including financial prosperity, happiness, and overall well-being. We don’t just practice these spiritual acts here when amongst you. We use this for ourselves and our families in the Ascended Realms aswan.
Remember that it is better to give than to receive. Give generously to your Church or house of worship so that others will become blessed and have a place to congregate with like-minded spiritual members who truly worship God. Donating to a charity of your choice is also a good way to manifest more prosperity in your life.
Remember, anything generous that you do will manifest for you and others in your life when applied with God’s magical formulary called LOVE. The power of Love is more powerful than you know…
This day be blessed in the Light of Light’s Designment,
Eustace Marie Grace and The Archangels