Who is This God of Yours?  What Does He Love About You?                                             

Young people forming heart gestures during daytime

 “I will tell you why we have these extraordinary minds and souls, Miss Whittaker,” he continued, as though he had not heard her. “We have them because there is a supreme intelligence in the universe, which wishes for communion with us. This supreme intelligence longs to be known. It calls out to us. It draws us close to its mystery, and grants us these remarkable minds, in order that we try to reach for it. It wants us to find it. It wants union with us, more than anything.”― Elizabeth Gilbert, The Signature of All Things

When you wake up and open your eyes who do you imagine is with you? Might it be your God Self? Do you think about that before you start your day? On The Path to Divine Insight, we think this will help you to better access God. This is when the door between the conscious and unconscious mind is open.

As a young person, our Ms. Jude used to think about him up in the sky above her head all the time. She used to say affirmations about him while driving to work up the Northway in upstate New York. One day, all kinds of strange and unfriendly noises came through her head, and she had to seek medical attention. 

Sometimes, when we come through for the first time, we have to clear away a lot of dream machinations and other things. Fortunately, when Mr. Jude was made sick from this item from the unconsciousness, someone kept saying “God always loves you”. She repeated this over and over until Jude was made well again and this someone was a nun. It must have worked because she went back to work the next day. This story happened several years ago and she never leaves him alone and he never gives up on her, just as the nun told her. She was in a bad situation indeed. He apologizes to her still to this day because she came pretty close to checking out on all of us and her family.  This is why she knows how to help you too.  She has been through all of the ups and downs of life and she knows that God loves you too and so she is willing to share him with you.  Not all of us want our God, from within, the one who saved us to leave us either but she shares him and she is not selfish about him as we are here. We know him and we do not want to share her with you either. Yep, that’s what we are and that’s why we are who we really are. We are saints, Ascended Master School students in heaven and many others and that’s why I am me, the quiet munchkin who is the Archangel Gabriel. 

We feed his nature with good things.  We ask him incessant questions and we keep his life interesting. We know him very well. He has a boredom in him  and is always looking at the next thing. Ms. Jude has this on a grand scale except that she is more edgy about it. She puts it this way: “If I ever get bored there is something really wrong”. She loves life and fills it with a to-do list a mile long of things to do to entertain our whole group at the Wittcase Award House where she and Ms. Eusty write with him and all of us for sure. We live in our dimension and she lives in here and his brilliance makes this all work perfectly.

Last night we watched The Era’s Tour, from the favorite of our two leading ladies here and it was amazing until the clock struck midnight. And what does God say to Ms. Jude? I AM YOUR MASTERMIND! And there it is, he’s been feeding her heightening aspirations from this music  for years and then there it is? Her deceased grandmother singing in “Marjorie”. The Lavender Haze birthday party that he gave to Ms. Eusty this past year was just perfect. One day, Jude was cleaning out her hall closet, and he came up behind her, signing that he was her “Anti Hero,” which usually means “move along”as we have to be somewhere. So on and on goes this love affair with Ms. Taylor and who would not be amazed at the fine accomplishments of this young woman. This is what Ms. Jude writes about with our pages and sages: The Power of One! This is what one person can do to change the world you live in. 

You see, when you meditate on him, when you ask him, and you receive his promise as you are his dear child, then you receive.  Although, you have to be in receptive mode. You have to have your little radio that sets your personal frequency tuned into the right station, just like your home radio that finds a station at the correct locations for your favorite music and news of the day.

Ms. Jude always listens to the Divine Ms. Taylor’s music and declares that she’s her first fan!  Yep, every time.  That’s what she is to Eusty Grace, too, so there is a connection there because they have heightened this woman’s work all the way up to a global phenomenon.  Maybe she walks on water for them but she sure gets her lessons across for all of us.  Especially if we don’t treat everyone like God and his Jesus version do.  Love and love everyone and the world around you, too.

Right now we are watching Black Violin as we write.  We were able to see them live at Proctor’s Theater in Schenectady, NY, because Ms. Jude’s friend called her with tickets.  They are playing “Shaker” on YouTube here.  This is His Highness’s favorite song in all the realm until you find out that he loves enough music to fit into the Encyclopedia Britannica.   We suggest that you visit this amazing duo in person or on YouTube.  You will be glad you did.  She did this for her family visiting with her while writing this book with Yanni, James Taylor, Mumford and Sons, The Piano Guys and too many more to count. 

So our lesson today is not to give up.  Enjoy life!  Find positivity every single day, and you will start to see and feel Him work his magic in you.  Find things that you can do to heighten his life experience with you and simply say, “Thank you, God, for all of the things I have received today”.

Each and every age brings you unwarranted talent beyond all imaginings and this age is like no other. Ms. Jude finds things like The Pearl Earring before it was a movie, and then there is Scarlett Johansen, Colin Firth, and Cillian Murphy, and it’s on the big screen. This summer, she took us to the movie Oppenheimer, and she is so into Mr. Oppenheimer that her spark of imagining has His Highness bring to him his classic symbol: the big-rimmed hat. Who knows a message may be coming forth from him because God refers to these people as “the lates and great’s of our time”. Open your mind.

At this time we are all waiting for Elizabeth’s book, The Signature of All Things to be made a television series by PBS. 

“The old cobbler had believed in something he called “the signature of all things”-namely, that God had hidden clues for humanity’s betterment inside the design of every flower, leaf, fruit, and tree on earth. All the natural world was a divine code, Boehme claimed, containing proof of our Creator’s love.” ― Elizabeth GilbertThe Signature of All Things

Bless you this day,

Archangel Gabriel, your teaching Archangel and many others from the teaching group at the Wittcase Award House in Heaven