“As we embark on the wondrous journey through life, let the gentle currents of love, trust, and faith gracefully guide us towards a future in God’s benevolence, acknowledging that the foundation of a better tomorrow is rooted in love.
Life unfolds as a dance, a delicate balance of trust and uncertainty, love and loss, with God guiding the steps in silent harmony.
In the tapestry of our lives, every thread of trust and love is intricately woven with the divine touch of God’s grace, portraying literature as our interwoven essence, trust as the guiding star, and God as the sweet, reassuring voice on our literary voyage.” — Path to Divine Insight
So then trust is the lord. He is of the past. He has brought us so far but he is building the house of the lord for the future so that we have one someday.
Our scribe here does not like the Star Trek vision of things. She likes the past and studies of history, especially historical figures. She is an endless reader of everything that is a biography of world leaders of every country going back centuries; the farther back, the better. And she has influenced me greatly.
Jesus…love one another as I have loved you. People contribute so much to this world and only a few are memorialized. Then there is fiction wherein a simple story, a noncomplex life like The Dutch House by Ann Patchett or The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert, takes over and captivates our thoughts. They are those who enrapture our beingness and then stay with us for many years. James Michener, Irving Stone, and Taylor Caldwell’s books gripped our scribe for her whole life. She can hardly go to Chesapeake without thinking of Onkhor.
There are so many books to read and only so much time. In Spirit, you can read forever if you so choose.
What has all this to do with trust? It is a lifelong study of people: God’s most favorite and sacred beings on Earth. Buildings and refuse come and go but the story of people live on and if they are good enough they become classics. Macbeth, Tale of Two Cities…..More Jesus said And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. But what is Truth without Love says I? But that’s just me being me. The protagonists in this day’s stories do so many inappropriate things in the name of God, love, and, well, everything.
So this I say, I spend most of my time with one or several of my presentments just doing what I do best: reading! I love to read and that is one of my gifts from God and my mother. I love to visit bookstores and now libraries in Heaven. I stay there to read the books of the past, present, and future. I’m not so much on futurism; however, that is often where we are moving towards. Things like very stylish and sleek cars will rule our future. Cars that hover along the ground with bumpers, like our scribe’s mother drives along in her next life. She drives all over and that car is assigned to her. She has her own God to usher her through her next life in the Great Beyond. In God’s kingdom, you don’t touch other people’s things or he will know and he will punish you too.
So many people think that they can just help themselves to other people’s things. They may have their reasons but that is still stealing. If you want things and you don’t have them as a spirit being in the next life, you pray for them every day, one time, or all of the time, or whatever it takes. It doesn’t matter. Looks, clothes, travel, spirit money and on and on… You pray. That is God’s language. If more people were praying and attending church like they used to then this world would be a better place. And if so many people were not using the Church or holy place to make other people wrong that would make God happier still. This is my Father’s world. If you don’t want to live with him or his Love, then he has a place for you too. For everyone and every place and thing: there is a place for you. People and animals living in Spirit say that his Love is the most wonderful feeling on earth. And yes, in Spirit, animals do talk over there; it’s just that you can’t hear them. That is a special gift that only people like Ms. Jude are gifted with because she loves them so much.
So I like to read books. I pray for them to come to me every day so that they stay with me for a long time with REAL GRATITUDE meaning with lots of emotion. That is a learning lesson from The Secret teachings and many others. Gratitude is the people, the times, the work put into the writings, the people who made the book materials, the fabrics of the characters who are real but they could be Him by himself too. And above all else, it is him and what he hath done to mold these times and these people and his care to bring these to you. He is everywhere, and you can’t see him, and that’s the best part! His favorite mystery is that you don’t even know that he is helping you with his loving ways. Well, now you know, so look for him everywhere. Now the truth shall set you free.
And still to this day this is what people do in the afterlife; they travel and they read! Most of all His Highness really likes you to enjoy your life no matter what character you play in his plan of designment for you. Joy, that’s what he brings to your life and time.
Surely you would like to know him better with whatever time you have left on Earth…
Eustice Grace and yours truly…