May you have the best Holiday Season

Winter Crystal Ball

In this day’s message, we know that you need us, and we know that you want to be in our care, and so then you really, really are.  Did The Christ not say that he would take care of you until the very end of the age in the Great Commission? We are those you pray to and we are those to whom you need to pray to for any and everything that you need.  There is nothing too small that you need to ask us for.  Why should you remain in prayer? It’s because you must have a need or a fear, and we don’t notice that you have a need.  We are old and venerated beings you see, as is God and he has his ways of keeping us young and you will see this when you pass on from this life. 

We remain with you for a time so that you can thank us for all of the chores we have perfected for you while you are living.  Eusty Grace and Ms. Jude know how we do some of these things and so we are working on our new book of revelations for the new year.  You are constantly in our care and you have a group that forms up based on your beliefs and your ways of living.  Some of your caregivers, angels, and the like know that you like Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks or home-brewed coffee.  Some of us like the recipes that you bake from years past. Recently we traveled to Detroit for the winter holidays and we visited the most amazing coffee shop and bakery that you have ever seen. 

Add Joy to Life

You see, Eusty Grace was right when she said that we like treats and some things to visit with whatever the budget allows.  We like to go to the church or worship place of your faith too.  We like our faiths and we like you to like us too. That is who we are and how God makes us.  If you are a child of God then he saved you from time immemorial.  Yes, His Highness goes back in time and does this for you.  There is a rich reward for the believer. 

A few days ago, Ms. Jude was listening to some books on YouTube.  One of her favorite authors stated that there are over 3,000 promises in the Holy Bible for believers.  If you know them and you highlight them in your mind, then that is something that we can seek more of for you, or you can pray that someone you know who needs that promise will be kept in His Lordship’s heart, too.  It’s a very generous thing to seek help and assistance for others and not just yourself indeed.  

Reading Brings Joy to Life

The timelessness of God goes on and on you see. Many of our favorite books were written years ago.  And there are always writers inspired by Divine Wisdom.  We on this path are looking to inspire The Path to Divine Insights for our future and your future aswan.  It’s that relationship with the sacred but without the mean.

Some teachings may be changed by the coming of a new year and a new age but there are always things that you can use to your benefit in all of the things brought forth by the divine and those of us who serve with a right mind and a right heart.  Ms. Jude’s mother reminds me this day of a message from many spirit visitors to your life and time: “You will see when you pass on from this life how good the teachings of the sacred make you feel and what a magnificent creation you are in God’s Love”.

Our Ms. Jude didn’t buy a book written with St. Michael or by me for Christmas.  She bought a book of five great works by an inspired writer of the early 1900s, and she bought The Path to Divine Insight on Audible. And we hope that you will too.

We are reminded by teachings a plenty all of the time, dear ones.  We know them and then a book that we read or an ebook reminds us of that which we already know.  Did we not tell you that all you have to do is remember? We keep our minds as open as possible because the more things change the more they remain the same.  So read and study and know that you are richly blessed when you inspire us with your readings on The Path, too. You see, God did not leave this world when The Christ passed on to the higher realms. He never leaves you alone because he knows just how precious you are.  He has inspired writers and artists and theologians and so many more since time immemorial. That’s what the Divine Connection brings to you.

Hope Versus Faith

Now, we are at the heart of our message for your holiday season.  It has come to pass that there is a great difference between hope and faith. 

The church that I and many Archangels and Angels hold in our hearts teaches that both faith and hope are necessary for salvation. Faith opens the door to a relationship with God, and hope sustains believers in their journey toward the fulfillment of God’s promises. While faith is often seen as foundational, hope complements it by orienting believers toward the future and the ultimate goal of eternal communion with God.

Over the ages and sages of time, many theologians and writers have stressed the interconnectedness of faith and hope within Christian theology. The Christian tradition often views faith as the means by which individuals trust in God’s promises, leading to hope for salvation and eternal life. While some theologians may highlight one aspect over the other in their writings, the two concepts are typically understood as deeply intertwined in Christian thought.

In today’s more modern teachings and writings, faith is put forth as a stronger and more unwavering belief. It is a state of knowing and trusting in the unfolding of positive events, even when they are not yet visible in one’s current situation.  Faith involves a deep sense of alignment with positive vibrations and a complete absence of doubt. It is characterized by a certainty that what is desired is on its way.

While hope is viewed as a positive emotion, faith is regarded as a more powerful and unwavering state of belief that goes beyond mere expectation. Both hope and faith, when rooted in positive vibrations, are seen as powerful tools for creating a desired reality according to the spiritual Law of Attraction. 

It is suggested that hope can be a positive emotion if it is aligned with positive expectations and a belief in the possibility of good things happening. Hope, in this context, is seen as a vibrational match to positive outcomes. And further, hope should not be tinged with doubt or fear. Hope is mixed with a lack of belief or expectation may not be as effective in attracting positive experiences.

Buddhism emphasizes the impermanence of all things, and the goal is often to overcome attachment and desire, including the desire for a particular outcome. Hope, in the sense of craving for a specific result, is generally seen as something to be transcended.

Faith In Buddhism is often seen as confidence in the Buddha, the Dharma (teachings), and the Sangha (community). It is not blind faith but a trust based on understanding and experience.

It’s most important to know that God is the God of all people and God is Love. These religious summaries provide a broad overview, and it’s important to recognize the diversity of beliefs within each religion. Different sects and individuals within a particular faith tradition may have nuanced perspectives on these concepts. With God, you see, there are many ways to seek The Path for all peoples.  They do not exist to make one group right and others wrong. His Highness wants you to enjoy the life you have with what you have to work with.  Keep the faith!

You see when you enjoy the greatest gift – life itself – we enjoy this with you this holiday season, too.

St Gabriel, the Teaching Archangel , and many others at The Wittcase Award House in all the heavens,