Eusty girl at board

Where is God in the Quantum Soup?                                            

Eusty girl at board

The quantum realm is a doorway to the mystical, where science and spirituality merge into a single understanding. – Jennifer Doudna

This day be blessed in thee when amongst us.  I hope you are better than the group that was here last week with Quan Yin.  Goodness!  They came here years ago and so they just stayed to be with her and her Buddha, as in the laughing kind.  Very nice, very laughing.  Ok, so move on.  Go back to your homeland where there is nothing to do.  There is great respect for you there.  No trees, no lambs, no thing.  Do I sound like Dr. Joe Dispenza yet on YouTube and other ascended places?  I love the way he says that you have to become “no thing” to find God in the Quantum.  That’s as in Quantum Soup I say.  Well God is the Quantum, except he’s not for us here. 

God’s Light is in the Divine Insight Graces and I saw him put it in there and that’s where he’s staying.  I mean that too.  I can get pretty unruly if I see him move in on someone and then people say that I am mean like he is, which means he cares about you – too much.  Remember that!  That’s his mean in Heaven and that’s their joke over there.  God is really mean and then they punch their fist straight down at their side.  Yes, they have hands over there and they eat real food too.   Well not funny and I’m going to get back with a lot of “them” like the ”Source” entity that is channeled all over YouTube because he won’t leave my mother alone and no one will tell us why.  God says he loves her.  Well, then he/she can leave here too.  Why do they channel Source over there?  Well, I looked it up and found that “you” don’t like the name of God anymore.  Uhmmm.  Can you imagine?  Who do you/they/we think got all of us up here?  When you study history like my mama you will wonder how we survived at all!  What is this? 

So here we are in all the Heavens writing at our little desk and from the smallest house in evermore.  Is my family a gigantic superstar’s house with lots of etherics all over the place?  Hmmm.  And they think they live in their homes all alone too.  We have to get out of here soon or our Jude is coming with me over to my house and she’s never coming back.  I just don’t know how to tell her kids…

You may be wondering why we call our author Ms. Jude.  It’s because he has other big names in all the heavens named Jude.  I live in many places with my presentiments but you can’t see them or me with your own eyes.  I live on my plane of living so I don’t have to be with you at all except that you can hear my voice if he so chooses and mostly he doesn’t right now.

We came back from New Jersey a few weeks ago and we saw these beautiful clouds as we arrived at our Angel shop destination in Sugar Loaf, NY.  I think that the Holy Spirit fashions these cloud formations or something because we get a big sky with these beautiful etchings on almost every big trip that we go on now.

And yesterday we also saw a camel in the clouds with two humps and maybe someone can write in and tell us what that means too.  It’s got something to do with that Christ child if I am a day.     

So this is our special announcement!  Our new book is almost ready for purchase!  We hope to see you where good books are available soon!  The exact date will be forthcoming!                                                                                                   

Yours this day in Grace, Eustice Grace