What Does EL Morya Say About Think Love Not Hate? 


A reading from El Morya:

This reading is from me but it is not about me.  I come through from a different house in the heavens as I am El Morya from a house that you would know as Indian from India.  We are coming through here as we worked on Ms. Jude’s website from years ago and we stayed for her health carrying The Blue Flame and we never left her.  We understood that her God from within wanted us to help her since she has been interested in many readings about many spiritual planes of living since she was a young person.  Particularly she was a student of books about Edgar Caycee as a teenager and they resonated with her as she maintains this special gift from on high.  In addition, she was very interested in the violet flame for healing and we wrote with her many years ago.

Who says the kingdom of God is within?  Everybody in the ascended realms says it is and we are those you pray to.  Who says God is the God of all people?  The ascended realm beings say that’s what he says he is.  We are about the metaphysical pathways to wellness and health.

We are about the metaphysical planes of living and we have taken these roles to serve all peoples and all kingdoms.  Now some people don’t like this and that’s where they are on their ascension path.  We are about all religions, spiritual pathways and paths to God’s Divine Light.  You see he is in us and he is in you so you can’t always figure all of this out.  You have to serve God and the Light as you have come to believe and know that Love is All There Is. 

This is our ascension path and we knew this was coming because our God who serves all of the people of this planet believes on some level that we are all in this together.  We serve all nations.  In some regards, the business community adopts this pledge and they scatter their worth all over the globe where they can employ people, give them a means of support and guidance and help them to prosper.  We are those to whom business people pray also when they are on foreign shores.

Now some will ask what does this have to do with Jesus when Eustice Grace states on this website that she is Catholic and Ms. Jude is as Lutheran as they come?  God illuminates one of these major religions depending on which day of the week it is.  This is an extra service that he does for each of the major religions on the planet and that’s his choice and we don’t question his supreme powers.  We have been with him for a very long time and we have seen many people who consider themselves to be ascended by nature of their position on the Earth Plane melt when they finally relate to his spiritual correctness and powers.  It is almost unfathomable to each of us here.  Ms. Jude would refer to this as his Moral Compass, which is a book that they used to read together by William Bennett. 

Master Jesus is one of us and has been since before the beginning of time.  We all love him as none other and we call him the Master Jesus when he is with us.  We love him and he loves us.  He believes in the best and highest for all nations just like The United Nations, the WHO and many other global organizations. These organizations put the highest purposes and values way beyond individual peoples and governments but now here is the rub: we like ours the best and that is just something that gets into our consciousness as we are born and raised or from many generations back according to universal laws that govern us.  Now you may want to keep this out of your life and that’s fine.  Just shut off your TV and your global news and think about what is right for you in your country.

We like each other and we know that you like us too.  You just do and don’t know this.  Now Ms. Jude knows this because going way back in her life she had a special doctor.  He was from Iran and he was as American as apple pie.  Now he lives with us and he has been gifted greatly because of her work here with us.  He was a wonderful person in her life and she thinks of him every time she hears about the stress in his homeland.  He was perfect to her and an amazing and dedicated doctor.  Now here’s the rub of all this.  She should have prayed for him and his homeland to be a better place and then there would have been more for him and they would have less stress.  Not this isn’t just about her or him.  It’s about all of us.   It’s just saying that without God and prayer, you won’t get very far when you leave here.  You’ll get just about what you see outside of your door.  You may like that and that’s fine but that is not Heaven for any of us.

We are about change in you and all people and more.  Be about all nations and remember that these United States and many other nations who are opening their doors to so many refugees of the world in these years of plenty when all nations should be at peace by now and supporting their own people in a global economy.  They need to beware of a world with more than 7 billion people and the resources and technologies that it takes to make the world work at its finest rate possible.  There are many people worried about AI but that is for all of us.  The world can’t be run as it was in the past.  No one is going to take over all of us where I live and there is nowhere for hackers and Spartans to hide if they try to muscle into the ascended realms.  These realms are for You! And for us.  They comprise a world where everyone is from all over the world trying to bring everyone to a better place despite their obstacles, much like America consists of people from many countries and many faiths.

I know this has ignited some who fear in those who feel they built up the developed countries of ours here but we are all over this globe and it’s being run by some ruled by hate and fear at a time when we are trying to lift everyone to a higher place.  When you leave here you will be living with us someday.  If you say “In My Soul I Am Free” every day then you will go to a spirit world of your own choice.  If you have affiliated with a realm not of your liking by your own spiritual practices then you may be in a higher realm, or not.  These are not easy choices and God is everywhere trying to keep all people healthy, well, blessed, and in the life of their dreams.  In this, I would caution you to pray for people, not against them.  God can see what has been done these last few years by separation and by people trying to exclude whole groups of people who have worked so hard to make this world a better place.  We hope that laws and people who are good-hearted will prevail so that you have a lot of friends who are in a relationship with you like the story of Ms. Jude and her precious doctor who cared for so many people while bringing their babies into the world. 

No one should have to live in fear but they do.  No one should have to go without food but they do.  No one should be persecuted when they are not in the faith of God’s choosing but your own.  No one should be in a spiritual place where people like Ms. Jude, who lives in several realms at one time and sees everything as He does should be persecuted for their divinely granted spiritual gifts. 


Many young people are already with us.  They tend to be more about religious freedoms; many have left the mainline Churches behind.  They tend to be more accepting and they are discarded and written off as “just Gen X’s or spoiled Millennials”.  Now here is the rub of it from where we sit in our heavenly places and watch you down there: you want for yourselves but not for all people as God does.  You are afraid that other countries will overrun your borders as is happening in the south of the U. S. right now.  God is working there every day and he doesn’t like what is happening… from any of us.  Your fears are valid but then they aren’t.  These ethnic groups as we call them bring their stereotypes with them that other people tend to think less of.  Try to be as citizens of the universe in a civilized world.  Try to not use your religious beliefs and other limiting beliefs to make others wrong, their children wrong, their opportunities lessened. 

We know some people who have had open hearts in the past and they are closing as they see these “stereotypical traits” being overwhelming and not appreciated by the all that is and the all that isn’t too.  God calls this “too much face”.  Many think that if they have the sympathy of the news media this will get them somewhere.  “Do the work” is our expression for this over here.  Love conquers all.

Now Ms. Jude didn’t remember that I stayed with her all of these years ago.  That’s the funny thing about a sight gift.  She keeps her head down and does her work and serves his lordship in many things.  But there I was watching “Ms. Interfaith” and she is even tired of the pushing and jockeying that goes on over here and God who is with her is not very happy with us for staying with her so long either.  She believes in the theory of “to each his own” it’s what built the U.S. on a foundation of religious freedom.  We are in Him and we are not Him. 

Beware of who he is and what you are doing.  These things matter greatly.  They are not funny and they mean more than you know.  Don’t take it upon yourselves to be God in the world.  You cannot be him.  Do your position in life, whatever that is to the very best of your possibilities.  Don’t push that’s all I am saying.  It angers God and he is the fairest of them all and always has been.  He is Timeless and he deeply cares for all people.  When he turns away from someone then they feel the great harm. 

God, Source or whomever you call him, is trying to bring about fairness and love at all levels but those from the past still tune in to his great works and they have a mindset from the King Tut era.  They like this world they live in but they want the past back.  That is not what this is.  To each his own and they can keep their negativities to themselves.

You can learn more about the teachings of El Moyra and the Archangels here: Ascended Masters Teachings | The Summit Lighthouse  

Note: El Morya was Abraham, Hebrew patriarch and progenitor of the twelve tribes of Israel.  He was Melchior, one of the three wise men who attended the birth of Jesus.  He has come into the world to serve God in many other lifetimes.

Because of his tenacious love of the will of God in lifetime after lifetime, El Morya has come to embody the quality of obedience to holy will.  Today he serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan 1 of The First Ray 2, the blue ray of God’s will, faith, protection and power.