How Does God and His Angels Help You On The Path?                                                

Prayer for enlightenment

We are here for you this day.  We know that many people are searching for God in many ways on their own.  In this time and place, Ms. Eusty Grace has determined with her Father, that we would be part of The Path to Divine Insight Grace.

You may have always imagined us to be near at hand and we are.  Angels bring heaven with them to those who are believers with God whom we serve.  Many literary works of many Divine Writers and more have put forth that those of the Church who, have taken The Christ into their hearts, are first in line for services of the Divine in times of need.  We help many others in need in many dimensions of life beyond this as well.  We desire always to bring more Light to you so that you can raise your vibration and attract better things to your life and time.  We light the path that you are on.

That is a stark statement for those who have not a thought for that Church down the way, except that God has always believed that his “believers come first” and that is the way it will be in the next life when you pass away.  We cannot let those who have led an ordinary life jump to the front of the line at Heaven’s Gate when those who have dedicated their life to God and service to his Church on Earth are set aside.  Jesus died for the sins of all of us and we have worked for centuries to make this world a safer place with a plan to alleviate the difficulties of life.  We have a spectrum of thought and order so that everyone is set upon a course of the ascension path and no one is pushed aside.  You have determined this with your thoughts, words and deeds.  God is very intelligent as you might already know, from Eustice Grace’s messages to you, and he has this all figured out with his precision mind.  He is about order and structure and everything is as though he is the great architect for you.  He creates everything with lots of thought and makes it look like he just came up with some wild idea.  Truly he gives us great fun!  He is not called the Divine Creator for no small reason.

This order is in everything that he does from the setup of the world’s governments to the letters of the smallest poem.  His mind is more like a computer than you know but he always says that yours is not.  Yours is a mind filled with emotions, and self-doubt and many other things.

If you don’t like this thought or do not want to participate in the Church in any form then there is a place for you on The Other Side in the Spirit kingdom.  That is the place for those who say, declare and believe that phrase “in my soul I am free”.  People have free will and they can decide what is best for them and if they pass over as children then there are many of us who serve him in that and then you know that your loved ones are safe no matter what their shape and size, meaning age to me, as I am very old.  Many people who pass over have to go over there until they can live in the primary vibration with the rest of us.

We are those to whom you pray and we know that you need us and we love to and live to help you.  God loves everyone and all are welcome to his table in Heaven and on Earth.  Many of us are in need of a call for someone to come to their aid.  We are those to whom you pray and every Sunday, and perhaps on Saturday if you are Jewish or that is the day you attend Mass, or any day that you call upon the Divine.  These prayers come into our placements and we find one of us who is willing to go and serve him as he has done so much for us for centuries and we can only serve him best by doing and giving and loving him in our service to the light.  Prayers are God’s holy language for the betterment of the whole world and they alleviate situations that bring fear and harm.

We have to make a number of calls each year and we serve him best if you pray for our services for you or for someone else.  Make life fun and filled with joy my dear children.  Be on The Path and the best happenings will come your way.  My suggestion is that given the current circumstances in the world at this time, you need us more than we need you.  That sounds trite I know but we mean this and it is not very nice what is happening to our societies around the globe.  God always likes to see what is important to you before he jumps into a situation so make your prayers heard and ask us to help you and those around the world.

We are about change in you so that you can stay with us on The Path to Divine Insight that Ms. Eustice Grace has prepared with her Father Who Art In Heaven.  We are those to whom you pray so take special heed, dear ones, and come to us for your loving care. 

We request that you ask us to help you that is all.

St. Gabriel, of The Ascended Master School, A Teaching Archangel