The Path to the Next Life & Time  ~  Accessing Higher Realms of Consciousness     

Stairs to heaven

“We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God. God will be constantly crossing our paths and canceling our plans by sending us people with claims and petitions.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Fortuitously there are sometimes when you are accessing the Divine that you are seeking God in his highest ordinances and then you could be accessing other things and voices.  For instance, you could be in a place of some coherence and access a place where certain animal spirits, spirits from of old and God the Father Almighty all come together with you.  That is why some entities and spirits from of old don’t like channeling very much but then that is why they may come together for a certain project.  God loves everyone just the same.  These spirits/souls givers from of old like to observe the living with their magical powers and they may also be less than helpful or worse than that even.  

They always come up with a reason to be amongst us.  They always know what we are doing wrong or right. To us it’s a traffic jam and to them it’s a place of coherence and there are good ones and bad ones.  When this happens that is where you have to light a white or burgundy candle say a prayer before you start your channeled message to get protections and insights gifted, ahead of time, and make sure doors and windows to the afterlife are closed after a channeled experience.  The pink candles, followed by burgundy candles will also heal your auric statement from any tears.  Channeling leaves some doors to the divine open and then they say things like “oh well that is how we got in here without an invitation.  Too bad, his highness should be protecting you all along anyways.”  Protestants do seem to follow the Law of Assumption more than others. 

Well to that I say “all that glitters is not gold!”  You have to be responsible for yourself as well so therein lies the difficulty.  We hear things and then we accept things as being helpful and then “they” decide from the highest and best guidance if they are a match for you.  There are certain energy centers in the body with built in protections and they make sure that you are fit to move on.  The Divine is, in and of itself, laced with protections and those layers look like actual lace too and they are beautiful. 

There are those of you who can channel too but you choose not too because of the risk and the unsavory side coming through to your consciousness but then look what comes through on the TV each and every day.  We are about change in you to get you from the present to the future that God and his finest are working on every day.  You are asked to start along the path to Divine Insight and they fine-tune some items along the way.  There are so many things that come along that can hurt and harm you and that is why many people who directly access the divine spend hours each day in prayer and meditation to get the very best that God and his son Jesus the Christ have to offer.  With the Gods or above, and remember that his highness has many presentments and many people may see him as a female form such as Quan Yin or other deities.  There are many faiths and followers in the world trying to find the right path when all lead to their own him.  When he is working out in the kingdom he can be anywhere that he so chooses.  Some do not like supporting any other faith but their own but that is what has divided people for so long.  They have their own as we say here.  You ask for what you need for yourself and receive that which you can attract for yourself.  Let him take care of the rest!  Let go and let God!

The world’s religions have many similarities and many people now feel that they should be able to access God directly and they don’t need a Church.  There are just only so many people to right things in the heavens and whenever we see the angels of Atlantis, or the famous angels of the Holy Bible, we say “same cast of characters”.  It has a humorous tone here but then there are parts of the Milky Way and beyond that are beyond time and space and they are timeless.

“You know the way. Keep in those paths that there may never be any question marks as to your own conscience, as to whether you have chosen correctly or not.”      Edgar Cayce

We get these lessons for you and then you can still be learning or affirming what you already know and then we also can learn more about what God or the Holy Spirit and above, have out there in the Great Beyond for us and then we can get a confirmation that we are on the right track.

If you have a sight gift and feel that this is not the right place for you and you have concerns for your safety then you can contact us here for an Angel Reading at

Please refer any medical or mental health questions to your physician for the appropriate medical care.

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