The Path to Divine Insight Prosperity                                      


This day on the Divine Insight Path we are about a favorite topic of mine: prosperity.  As I have said before, I have spent my entire professional career in investments, insurance and financial planning as well as many years in compliance as a securities principal.  Fortunately, I have been able to spend my life doing what I love!  Also, I have always found it very satisfying to help people invest their money and what is more important to them than that?  My life these last many years was as a project manager of sorts.  There has been a lot of change in financial services over the years and many firms have merged or closed.  It would seem that my positions were to clean things up, get many things reinvented. 

Then I realized that was my life’s purpose.  I was a project manager while helping people in many ways.  It seemed that I enjoyed the changes, loved learning new things all the time and was working for very fine companies.  Somehow it always worked out for the best!

I talked about my financial path a lot with his grace: me with my questions and he with his still sweet soft voice.  Then I realized that I had spent my whole life taking care of everyone else in my life and making money for others.  Naturally I spent most of my time on my client’s investments and financial health while wishing I had more time for my own finances.  Some years it was also difficult for me to do much more than buy mutual funds because of the required financial disclosures for licensed supervisory representatives.

Several years ago, I took a class on prosperity using spiritual principals and it was wonderful.  I was able to incorporate some of the teachings into my own situation.  Recently, I participated in a money course and that was loosely based on spiritual principals but it was not implied directly.  The first thing you were supposed to do was give money to a charity and not tell anyone about it.  There’s magic in that phrase.  This implies that you are using the Law of Generosity and not just trying to look good.  I learned a lot at this very interesting course even though I had worked in financial services most of my life.  I knew the class was not going to be about money.  It was about universal principals and it was about how the students in the class handled their money and their thoughts about money that they had collected over their lifetime, especially from their parents.  So many people focused on lack and or misguided information.  Much of this creates blocks to attracting more prosperity in your life.

Prosperity is really about integrity as much as anything.  I took an integrity course and it was really about keeping your word.  That’s it.  If you say you are going to do something then it’s like a promise and you deliver on that as your word is your bond just like in the old days.  Where are you not in integrity about money?  Who is hurt when you do not keep your word?

There are so many things that you can do with your money but to really make money you have to follow some spiritual principals to manifest your spiritual purpose.  A budget is a great place to start in order to always know where you are financially.  You have to really need to make more money, not just “want” it because wanting implies lack.  Lack begets more lack.  Then you have to live like you already have the money you wish to attract.  What are your dreams about money?  What do you imagine your life to be like when you have your wishes granted?

Think about how you got your last car or your job or your new home or anything in your life.  Think about what you were doing to bring those things about and then do that over and over again.  Of course, prayer is always the answer on these pages.  But in addition, I have manifested amazing things when I have just said to God “I give up and I’m done thinking and wishing about this”.  Then amazing things have happened in my life.  I’m not sure why but sometimes you just have to get out of the way and let God take over your life.  This has been amazing for me and so when I have tied all of the resources I can think of to achieve something and nothing seems to be happening, I just say “I give up”!  This is how The Flow works!  It’s so much better to let God use his/her supernatural powers to make your life better.  This is what The Path to Divine Insight is for!

What this implies is that there is no one answer to a problem.  Many times in life you have to do what you need to do and then get out of the way.  Some things take time and other things just happen seemingly from nowhere.  Its very important to enjoy the process of manifesting these things.  It can be more enjoyable than the final results!

There are many things to make use of on The Divine Insight Path.  Many schools of thought have many methods of making life a success.  I try to go with what brings my family the most benefits.  You may want to know what some spiritual principals are to manifest good things and bring them about in your life.  You have to live as though you already have what you are wanting and then bring that to you by desiring it with you whole heart.  These things don’t just come forth from your mind you see.  They require your mind and heart to work together along with spiritual principals and then you are on your way.  It’s as simple as pie (Phi).

It helps to study these principals so that your spirit, your soul being and your subconscious mind can them bring them forth for you.  So then are you ready?  Catherine Ponder has been one of my favorite teachers about the spiritual rules of investing.  There are some spiritual laws that govern prosperity and this is what they are:

  1. The Law of Implementation – this law means that you are a very successful person from the start. There are only 1% of the population that does more than reads books about wealth.  This law means that you must implement the information in your head and take massive action to achieve the results you desire.. Feel good about this accomplishment!
  2. The Law of Problem Solving – you are paid in direct proportion to the size, frequency and quantity of problems you can solve.
  3. The Law of Relationship – you must develop a health relationship with money.
  4. The Law of Generosity – the more you give the more you get. Remove the negative emotions of scarcity and fear from your mind and replace them with the positive emotions of gratitude and abundance.

There is so much to study about these topics.  I have been blessed with many years of helping people with their money and there are some trends that I found in my travels: First, many people think that money is important to them and then they can’t be bothered with learning about investing and prosperity.  They would much rather procrastinate!  What are your goals?  Make a list and take them out and read them each day!  Be specific about your purpose, amount and timeframe.

Many people like to just take information off the internet and then declare it as the gospel.  I have spent many client appointments just explaining to clients the right way to invest.  So many people say they are investing for the long term and then they want to sell when the going gets tough.  When investments are down, that is when you buy!  The old adage about “buy low sell high” has withstood the test of time. 

The next principal is very simple.  I found that most people just want to invest with someone they can trust.  Investments are available from many sources but you need someone with integrity to take care of you and keep you from making mistakes over the long term.  You also need a budget and periodic reviews of your situation because even the wealthiest clients tend to spend all of their income unless they plan for their future with a long term financial plan.

Now go out and make yourselves some money and when you get some together find a spiritual guide to invest it for your like Robert Madoff.  Yep, the one who now lives with his grace in Heaven or wherever he sent him after he ran off with millions of dollars in a Ponzi scheme.  Financial services is a very highly regulated business.  When someone takes advantage of the laws of success in a bad way it doesn’t taint the entire industry. 

Many years ago, I traveled so much for my job that I almost didn’t get my every three year certifications done so I took a quick course on Ponzi schemes.  I really learned a lot.  I learned that these types of people are financial psychopaths.  They don’t care about their own family or the damages they do to them.  The don’t care about their clients and basically they just go about their schemes thinking no one will ever find them.  There have been lots of these schemes and the penalties for them were mostly 5 years or less in jail.  Now 5 years is probably a long time to be in jail but it’s not a long time when someone has run off with lots of other people’s money.  Oftentimes this is their life savings or their entire retirement.  I really enjoyed being a Compliance representative as it was very enlightening.  It was a continuous learning process and it afforded us many opportunities to be the change in the world.  
