In the bleak mid-winter frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on stone, in the bleak mid-winter long ago. Text: Georgina Rossetti, Music by Gustav Holst
Does it help to hear God talking to you directly from someone in the present day? It does for me. I love hearing him talk. When I wrote my first book many years ago, people contacted me and said that they wept because it was such a relief to know that God is real and not something that people had made up for us to believe in. Blessed assurances and All Compassion came to me but then each day there is probably a better description of this relationship that came to save me and has never left. To wake up each morning to that blessed still point quiet voice from within or wherever he decides to talk from is divine.
I hope that if you receive no other benefit from your time here that you will leave knowing that someone very powerful and all-knowing is there for you. You are not alone and there is nothing to worry about when it comes to the future. Leave your worries to him.
Now when you are here for a while and you have some comments we do hope that you will share them if they are positive. We would like to improve our communications if possible and we would like to answer questions that people have in this rapidly changing world that is or maybe leaving a lot of less techy people behind. Imagine the power of Divine Intelligence. He sits around like an old man on a rock in his wardrobe from year 2 AD and he thinks this is really funny. He says he is funny until he gets upset about something. He says he has low self-esteem until you realize that he uses this to mask his bazillion IQ. He has been around this globe for way longer than you can imagine and somehow he still is here to lift us up and bring his knowledge to a new age of freedom of expression.
Now I still like to go to church with him and worship him each week if possible. That’s how we started our relationship and it probably will always be that way. He is much mightier than you might believe and if people really knew him in his many presentiments then they would have something to live for indeed. The call of throwing their lives away living in the trashy jungle would fade away.
Jesus taught us to love one another and serve the poor. These things keep us out of trouble of course but it’s more than that. It’s about developing connections and really doing things that please they Holy Trinity and other people.
We are in the midst of winter here and I am one of those who love and appreciate all four seasons. Yes, I love the snow! That is what you do in upstate NY. So since I was born on Thanksgiving that is always very wonderful here. And since Jesus is the spirit of Christmas, that is the magic of inspiration!. The holidays can never be special enough if you ask me. It has been very amazing to have these entities and Eustice Grace to call upon for so many years.
We want to say that without you and the life and works of all believers, the world will not keep its almighty quotient. This means it may not become spiritually correct and growing in stature. Now God loves us all but he wants and needs to know that you love him. He wishes for you to serve him out in the world not just in your homes and spiritual places. Religion is not something to be beaten up. It is something to be revered. We accept and agree that the past is just something that happened in a certain way and it doesn’t need changing from today. You can’t change the past from the present but you can pray for those who lived back in history. Reality is reality and it doesn’t need bending around by the minds of the many. Our future is bright and it will be brighter with people like you, out in the world, making a difference with a new passion for living.
This is our power of one here. When you study history or watch the nightly news you discover people who have done something all on their own which develops into a big accomplishment. They make the best news, not the perpetrators of hate and violence. They make the best love and the wish it upon a star for you. I could start a list of amazing people that I am grateful for but then so can you. We will be writing about our favorites as we go forward. You can never acknowledge people enough! To us here YOU are amazing and we hope that you use these teachings of true joy and learning to make the world a better place.
Situations if life are always full of good and bad. Focus on the good and allow the bad to fall away and then you’ll get more of the best occurrences. When you are in a difficult time in your life count your blessings. This will invoke the power of Gratitude as none other. Never stop learning and discovering how many things in the world are available to the curious.