How Can Your Spiritual Practice Heal Your Brain and Your Body?

Spiritual Joy Thomas Merton

How can your spiritual practice heal your brain and your body?  It can in many more ways than you know.  It’s a major focus for us here.  We are about love and that brings wellness thoughts into your inner auric statement.

This is thy Divine Insight in thee and thy “owlny own selfish self-designment”.  Do you know why?  It’s because so many people in the world of the civilized countries, not the third world so much, are about the egoaic (sic) presence that assails them.  Remember, I make up my own words and they are not like your words.  These people that we are referring to are not like us but they think they are.  They think they are perfect.  Do you know how I know this?  I watch them and they are of the world and their achievements instead of waiting and watching for what God has in store for them.

We are of the world and not of the world and their political ventures, I leave the tumult to My Father Who Art in Heaven.  He is the reason for the season and not anyone else here.  Why?  Because I study him and I watch him struggle not only with my mother and her health but with his angels who want their way.  She feels the pain of all of these sordid people and beings for him.  She is an empath and she takes on their vibratory abatement programs until she lays down and sleeps at night.  And then he treats her all night long sometimes.  We only recently told her this.  She knows not how to make the world a better place, but I do.  You leave all of those things to him and you pray.  That is what God is you see.  God is Love.

Now yesterday we were listening to Dr. David Amen on YouTube.  It’s one our favorite sources of inspiration.  His videos from PBS and elsewhere are available to anyone with a computer or a video app such as Roku or Amazon Prime and they can make the world a better place.  Then we noticed this loving message from him about how prayer heals the prefrontal cortex of the brain in 12 minutes.  This is the part of the brain that is responsible for impulse control and overeating.   Using this practice several times a day may be a perfect place to start.  He mentions on YouTube that meditation does not heal this part of the brain.  However, we did find another Dr. Amen source that offers a meditation that is specific to this need that has been scientifically tested.

What started this train of thought was a recent article about his research in First magazine.  It’s full of lots of information about how 72% of the population is now overweight and many other topics related to both nutrition and brain wellness and that is my favorite topic for this website.  We were looking for some inspiration for this area and this article appeared before our very eyes.  That’s how this works sometimes.  Seek and ye shall find, as you already know.  You think that these are just coincidences but when you think that way around my mother, someone always shouts out “there are no coincidences”.  They are synchronicities over here.  We have these insights just come to us if you will.  And so you, our readers, will have these too: more and better insights on The Path to Divine Insight Light.

This is what we are about to unfold, but wrapped in love and service, not the old Divine Wisdom of the past which is mean.  So many people are crying out because the planet has become a mean place and even Mother Nature is sending out some mean signals that are pretty hard to miss.  There is help for all of this and it is Him.  We are about change in thee and you may not look out and try to change other people.  That never works.  By trying to solve problems you create a duality and it doesn’t work.  The Archangels know this.  It creates an angst and takes the vibration of the planet down.  You go with the flow here.  When you slow down and make improvements, better and best ideas just come to you.

How can your spiritual practice heal your brain and your Body?  Here is the solution in a nutshell.  Just don’t use your brain to solve problems and chew on them all day.  Use your brain to bring yourself into a higher vibration.  Concentrate on solutions and you will have to remember to bring about a higher vibration and frequency for yourself and those with whom you interact.  There are many things that you can do to help the brain and a major one is brain and heart coherence which we have written about many times here.   As we bring forth these lessons of loving affection for you, just remember.  That is your position in the universe.  Remember.  There are so many lessons out there that have come your way.  Now this I want to share with you today, many people feel that the  Archangels and Aangels work only for people of the Catholic faith.  This is not true.  The Angels predate time.  They don’t belong to a particular sect.  They work with people of all spiritual backgrounds or none in some cases as there are some that I won’t recognize here.  In truth, Angels are nondenominational. They are benevolent beings and that is a big word around here where I live in Heaven when amongst you.  You don’t have to change who you really are.  They will change you with their gracious way of handling each situation in your life.  You just have to keep your thoughts pure and get rid of a few nasty habits that aren’t of wellness anyways, or even close.

God is the God of all people and the Archangels and Angels serve him within their hierarchies.  If any particular faith thinks that they own God or the Angels, think again!  Everyone is entitled to their free will.

Now I have to say that we are mainly of the Christian faith here and I don’t want to lead you astray about who I really am.  God is My Father too.  If this is not your faith then we hope that you find something here that applies to your personal beliefs.  Therefore, I would just note that many people call on the Angels in the name of God and Jesus.  I’m just including this here as my mother was attacked recently and she doesn’t want some unclean thoughts and citizens around her anymore.  She really despises preachers patronizing the dark arts societies from the pulpit too, meaning by including them in their sermons.  That’s just who she is and she is of integrity and high Christian values but she is not of Divine Wisdom either.  

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