How Do You Seek The Truth?

Heart shaped cave with person

“Truth is within ourselves. There is an inmost center in us all, where the truth abides in fullness.” —Robert Browning

On the Divine Insight Path you can start by being who you really are.  Use your imagination to truly desire what you are trying to accomplish.  Align with your highest ideals.  We are about finding the best possible path for you. 

This day therein there is no mistake about who we write for.  Now some people espouse that they know a certain teaching or about everyone’s teachings that are out there in the world.  No one is as surprised as we are when we find a divine wisdom reader who seems to know HIM but does not mention him.  There may be some acquaintances in the mix.  But make no mistake about who we write for, with and about: YOU and then HIM.  That is our truth.  If you are not a seeker of the Divine Light Path then you are probably in the wrong place.  We are not going to bow down to other people’s thoughts and religious processes especially if they come up here from the past using his gift of the Timeline wherein women were not even in the plans for things in the old  days.  They had no rights and neither did a lot of other people and especially the children and small animals.  We have come so far but there is so much more work to do in the future as the consciousness moves forward. God can only do so much unless you help him. 

How do you seek the truth?  We are about seeking the Divine and alignment with the best connection possible.  We are not a cult group because they only ever create harm for some reason that may have something to do with the Laws of Cause and Effect.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or as My Father Who Art In Heaven says quite often: “what goes around comes around”.  This Law of Causality that has become established in Western society: as you sow you shall reap.   

Positive thoughts and comments are the best for your health and wellness and that of other people.  They help you attract great things to your life and manifest your desires.  We intend to be kind in all things and that is how we intend to be with all of our Spirit fabric.  Our purpose is not to make other religious beliefs wrong in order to make ours right. This is about everyone once not just  If you do not believe in the Light then may God help you…as Bing Crosby sang in the song Christmas is a Comin’.

This day we are about change in thee.  We know that you should like the things we offer you but then you decide to not align your thoughts with the Divine.  So what is the cost of your being like this?  We have seen an online trend of late wherein people decide that they are right and God is wrong and they are going to malign not only him but the writers who work diligently for him and possibly his kind and loving Archangels.  Take what we share with you and make amends.  Move along towards more alignment with Source.  You are possibly interested in the higher kingdoms and also following God’s precepts.  God is about the law and about structure.  He really loves order in case you missed something about how the governmental administrations of the past were run.

Now these former kingdoms were not always loving but quite possibly neither were their victims.  You may have time to study these events of the past in your history books.  You may be able to travel the Timeline when you pass on and see them for yourselves if you qualify. 

Now God is somewhat old fashioned.  Our Ms. Jude sees him as someone who is younger than herself but very venerated.  That is how she made him I guess.  I see him as someone very young for me but then he does change himself around like that at times.  If he is mean then you made him that way.  If he is always kind and generous then…on and on ad infinitum.

This day we seem stern but we are kind and loving until we are not.  If you are seeking danger then it is already all around you.  Now we are having lots of trouble here with malware taking over our computer saying that they are from Microsoft. They just want full access to all of your bank accounts and passwords and probably your social security number.  So these criminals show up from well anywhere these days.  Some are desperate people.  They steal and that breaks one of the Ten Commandments and those are laws as far as we are concerned. They steal billions. We pray these to God and leave the rest to him so that nothing goes unnoticed.  Honor your mother and father and all of those things that the younger people don’t want to quite believe in, it would seem.  We often remember the kind thoughts of Ms. Jude: “keep things in proportion”.  Think of the people out in the world who are doing what they are supposed to be doing.  You only hear about those who are trying to overthrow the government, those who just committed a murder or those who are stealing the funds of our best financial institutions and people.  As our Jude once said to her friend while: “can you just get back to well adjusted?”

This day, you get the picture.  We do not disparage other people’s religions and we are not here to be taken advantage by them either.  They want to “at one” with you and we just want to be well……..well-adjusted and living life to our best and highest desires.  You see, many people are pretty sure that there is not a God anywhere.  That is what they have made up for themselves.  That is not the truth and we are about TRUTH here. Stay positive in all things.

Yours in truth and grace,  Miss Eusty Grace 

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