When you trust in yourself, you are trusting in the same wisdom that created you. When you fail to trust in yourself, you fail to love yourself, you are denying your own Divinity, and therefore attracting the opposite of what The Source is. Wayne W. Dyer
How do you get to a better place? This day we are about change in you. We are those you pray to and so we can’t see you but we know you are there from here where we are writing this book. We can inspire you with our wit or we can seek the change in you but mostly here, we are teaching according to God’s laws and they are sacrosanct here in Heaven. We know what you believe and what you have been reading but here we march to a different d’accord.
Trust that God will make all things right. We know that you may be hurting and we know that you are the ones to whom we pray about. Some say that you should start by forgiving yourself first! You can put this into your spiritual practice and then you can listen now and practice our truths or you can move on to that which is calling you in the next life . This does not mean that you are going there any time soon unless that is your heart’s desire. If you are not about improving your life or that of your family and rising to a higher occasion and a better life when you pass on, then “The Otherside gift” is awaiting you. But God has the final say on even that so Trust in him.
Now some people are being called forth by Zen Buddhist meditation practices. Then is that where their Otherside gift should be calling them forth from? What will their next life be like? Now this started for a reason. Ms. Jude our scribe (who is called that because there are other “Jude’s” in Heaven and there may be many of them) had a friend who recently brought this up. And since then we have been concerned about him because here is God with us listening to the conversation with this person says he is a non-believer. No worries because God has a place for everyone when they pass over from this life. No one is forgotten in his light.
I would like to interject here that most Jude beings boot up to St. James and his tribe so beware. None of them are all that kind in our language. They are mean and that is why we are moving this world away from Divine Wisdom and on towards Divine Insight. So sayeth God who is My Father Who Art in Heaven.
How do you get to a better place? If you have a sight gift and you are not getting your prayers answered, then you are praying to the wrong source so you may want to ask God for a new prayer partner. One of our favorite’s here is “Compassionate God” from our weekly prayers at Church. You can also request a consultation with our Archangels. Now people want to meditate to eliminate “The Mind”. Good luck with that because on The Other Side people are soul beings who have left their brain behind and they are not quite right by our standards of the US which has an average IQ of 98 and ranks 27th in the world. What countries rank the highest in the world? They are Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, China and Japan. Now why is that?
According to recent studies some of the factors that positively are associated with higher IQs are: good quality schooling, safe pollutant levels such as lead, good nutrition, fortified food products that are regulated, musical training in childhood, higher socioeconomic status and lower rates of infectious diseases. One study found that the later issue was the most important to the development of the child’s brain.
How Do You Get To A Better Place? Why shouldn’t the average US IQ scores be higher? Perhaps you should pray for a higher IQ everyday as some people do. But normalcy should prevail. What would feel normal for you? Some smart people could use their gifts for a higher consciousness too but then their quest for money kicks in and then what ensues? Some eventually get to their philanthropy state and then all is well. So along The Path to Divine Insight remember to gift funds to your Church and your local and national charitable organizations. This is a basic rule of prosperity. Also please note, IQ is not the only measure of intelligence and may fail to measure broader definitions of intellect like creativity, curiosity and social intelligence and wit.
Ms. Jude took a course a few years ago and the first thing that the other class members were asked to do was to give some money away and then come back and share what happened the next week. Now people came out with all kinds of hidden and buried thoughts about money most of which came from their family situation like money is bad, you shouldn’t spend your money carelessly, etc. At least in this class the biblical expression of “money is the root of all evil” didn’t come up because if money if bad why would you want more of it. Now the key to this phrase that is deeply embedded in the consciousness is the story of some of the magnates from many years ago. Even some of them were generous givers to society but they loved the money more than many other things. You should love what money can produce for you to make you happy and make the world a better place. Here is an article that we recently wrote about this: Miracles in Your Life and Time
Why are we in this predicament? Is it the government’s responsibility? Is it the free society that we live in that leaves people to their own devices? Is it the dark media arts? Is it the news every night about violence that does nothing to feed intelligence? Is it poverty? Is it the persuasion to change public views to an old-fashioned back in time philosophy? It could be any of these things or all of these things. Trust that he will make this right for you and all those present.
So then we do know, because contrary to popular opinion that we have heard on YouTube, God does have a computer in the sky as he calls this and it does measure lots of these things. He does have laws and he does follow the laws of the Universe. How do you get to a better place? That which you do with your spare time does feed the intellect. That which you paint and draw does feed your creativity and that which you worship and spend your sacred time with does feed your path to the afterlife.
So now you know those secrets of the Universe but The Path to Divine Insight is way beyond that. This is from way upstairs, as the Angels say, and that is to which you can access if you have the thought processes and fortitude to do so. Or in our case here, Ms. Jude just keeps rising up each day again the ever present past generations who feared intellect in their flock above all else. I call them the “Earth is flat people”. There were/are some very superstitious people back there and they have not exactly left this plane of learning. And they like to throw curses around too and he know who they are as well. They think they know it all and they have largely given up on God and are determined that he does not exist, or in the case of a recent friend of Ms. Jude’s, they have just given up on organized reason and some of it is strewn through their life by their parents or caregivers or their life’s experiences.
This is your blessing in this story today: be your own keeper and help to take care of those who can’t. Integrity is doing what you say you are going to do. There is so much going on to make the world a better place. There have been so many improvements to the society in the last 30 years but to “roll the stone of tyme backwards” as he calls this, well that just shouldn’t be. Now someone will figure this all out and they will make a lot of money in doing so. The solution will be something simple too. There are answers “out there in the out there” as he calls this but he only incents those to receive these gifts who are really trying. This is so exemplified in the recent Netflix movie: ”The Playlist”. Watch to see how the main inventor of Spotify finds the solutions to his great questions to start a new business using the Internet. Integrity comes up in this story again and again. As of the present time, this Swedish company is worth billions of US dollars. This is just one of the examples of companies that His Lordship may be helping out in the world. Is he helping this one? We cannot comment of course. However, he helps many of them but it is up to them to know the rules and laws that govern them. It is up to them to lead a good life. He is old you see and they have a responsibility to know all there is about their own profession or they are supposed to hire professionals to help to carry out their dreams. The Angels keep watch on how His Highness does his work of the Divine and even they are amazed!
So therein lies the essence of our watching this movie and then applying what we say. Actually Ms. Jude started this because her ultimate question is: what do people want from the Church? What do they want from God? And then there the me in all of this because my question always is: what does this do for God? Always be thinking about Him if you are seeking his praise in you. And we are here about you!
God is trusting in you to do your part in carrying forth his precepts for your generation as all those before you have done for centuries. Integrity is keeping your word and carrying out his promises to you. Give him your best today and don’t forget to express your gratitude journal to him not just to anyone who is listening.
Eustice Grace of the Wittcase Award House, in Heaven when amongst you…